Saturday, February 11, 2017

NVE will continue to build out Øystesevassdraget – NRK

This is very disappointing, and shows that the NVE does not take real account even when national change is at stake, writes the leader of Naturvernforbundet, Sally Ash Lundberg, in a press release.

It was in December 2015 that the NVE went in to give permission to two kraftprosjekt in the river. Naturvernforbundet and the Forum for Nature and Outdoor recreation in the county of Hordaland were then performed an independent study by biologists from Bioforsk.

DISAPPOINTED: Sally Ash Lundberg is the leader in Norges Naturvernforbund

Photo: Naturvernforbundet

Believes the NVE belittle

the Report was in august of last year and documented that very important change was not identified or considered in connection with the application for the hydro electric. In spite of these findings, maintains thus the NVE’s recommendations about the development.

– This is completely incomprehensible for us, but is unfortunately just another example of that in the hydro electric is taken very few attention to the valuable nature.

Fagbiologene found almost five times more rødlistearter than it kraftutbyggernes consultants found. Still, this is the findings that the NVE belittle the meaning of, and which they are now willing to risk by recommending the development.

SCENIC: Vossadalen with the upper parts of the Øystesevassdraget visible.

Photo: Sindre Skrede / NRK

Processed by the government within the summer

the NVE writing to the ministry of Petroleum and energy they have now gone through the material from the Biofokus its report. They state that there is a certain risk that some rødlistearter may disappear from the river.

Still believe the AUTHORITY that this must be acceptable set against the benefits of development.

the Government will probably take a position to the development by the summer, writes BT. From before are the majority of politicians in Kvam positive to Øystese Force its plans on the development in the lower parts of the river, but the negative to that BKK gets build out the upper part.

Ask the prime minister intervenes

member of parliament Heikki Holmås challenged in the last year, both prime minister Erna Solberg and leader Jonas Gahr Støre of the Labour party to a ride in the area.

Now ask SV leader Audun Lysbakken Solberg to intervene to stop the development.

the Findings of the threatened species makes it possible for the ruling party the Right to show that they mean business with the earlier promises of an aggressive commitment to conservation, ” says Lysbakken to BT.


Photo: Larsen, Haakon Mosvold / NTB scanpix


All småpartiene below threshold – Hegnar Online

at the same time bykser Frp fram and 2.1 percentage points.

His fall 1.5 percentage points to 3.8 per cent. Left get 3.9 per cent (-0,9) and A gain of 3.9 percent (-0,8), while the MDG increases by 1.9 percentage points to 3.8 per cent in the measurement of the Edges TNS has done for TV 2.

the central party receives the entire 9.9 percent – up 1.5 percentage points, something that gives Ap and Sp 84 representatives on the thing, one place away from the majority.

the Labour party is the largest, but only 33.2 per cent (to+0.5). Frp does a very good measurement with 15,7 per cent (+2,1). It is the highest level of support for the progress party since april of last year, and the party approaching the level of the parliamentary elections in 2013 when they got 16.3 percent.

Voters need to keep in mind what is the alternative to a government with the Progress party. It is a little strange bouquet with the Labour party, the centre party and maybe some other parties that are going to take the Norway in a completely different direction, ” says Siv Jensen (Frp).

Right falls however more than the Right goes forward, the party will receive 22.1%, a decrease of 2.4 percentage points. Red get 2% (- 0,6).

margin of error on the measurement is between 1.4 and 2.8 percentage points, and largest for the largest parties.(©NTB)


New technology is not enough in the battle against climate change – Daily


In the report turns namely the following fast:

CO2 emissions from the transport sector may increase by 60 per cent to 2050, despite the significant teknologiframgangen which is believed to come.

Without further measures can be CO2-emissions from the global shipping to increase by 160 per cent, as a result of a threefold increase in the fraktvolumene.

CO2 emissions from international aviation will be able to grow by 56 per cent in the period 2015-2030, even with vastly improved fuel efficiency.

50 countries

Assessment of developments in over 50 countries, including major utslippsland as China and the united STATES, but also Norway and the other nordic countries, is made by the ITF.

the ITF is synonymous with The international transportforum, which is administratively integrated with the OECD, but at the same time politically independent of this organization.

sets out the Conclusions of ITFs report for 2017, is quite different than forhåpningene as the former have emerged from various quarters, including from Torbjørn Lothe, managing director of the confederation of Norwegian enterprise Aviation.

– I think the airline industry is going to readjust itself to become more environmentally friendly, including by the use of biofuels. It is quite possible, ” said Lothe to Dagsavisen in December.

Previously Lothe also said to Dagsavisen:

– I think the airline industry will be able to be a very sustainable transportform.

Also several representatives of the government have spoken strongly believe that new technology is well on its way to be able to solve the challenges of climate change in the sector.

– It’s going to be emissions-free vehicles in future to drive on the roads we are building, said transport minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (Frp) to Dagsavisen in December 2015.

– Cleaner technology has a huge potential and will be the most important measure before the bans and restrictions, said the secretary of state Reynir Johannesson (Frp) in the Ministry of transport and communications to the Daily newspaper in July last year.

– Wide range of measures

For that it should be possible to keep emissions from the transport sector even in 2015-the level, it must be implemented “a wide range of policies and measures”, also in the cities, it is pointed out in the new report from the ITF.

“Technological progress alone will not lead to reduced CO2 emissions in the cities. Aferdsendrende political measures such as fuel surcharges, low prices or land-use that restricts urban sprawl, is required to achieve the necessary additional CO2-reduction”, pointed out among other things.

“the Lower the CO2-emissions from urban traffic can also be achieved as a positive side effects of policies aimed at local air pollution and køtrafikk, which is the most urgent transportutfordringene in many cities”, called further in the report.

Community in Oslo, has long been demanding the ability to use instruments in line with this, but the government and samferdselsministeren has only in small degree responded to these requests.


To prøvehacke the IT systems before the parliamentary election – VG

Security is in the additional years high on the agenda in Valgdirektoratet. The IT systems shall prøvehackes and gjennomtestes before parliamentary elections.

It is not uncovered specific threats to our field of work, but we have a higher focus on security because of the threat level, ” says Bjorn Berg, director of Valgdirektoratet, to VG.

PST reported in the last week about the growing concern for Russian intelligence in Norway and the commander of the E-service, said this week that Russia will create inner discord and unrest in Europe.

– With the intensified threat assessment, we are more focused we also. It is completely natural. We have the same safeguards, and technical for those who are involved, but we must also keep in mind that there is an increased and upgraded in threat perceptions, ” says Berg.

<p>ENSURES the IT SYSTEMS: Bjorn Berg, director of Valgdirektoratet, says they go through IT-systems as before, but that they are sharpened because of the Pst's new threat assessment.</p>

ENSURES the IT SYSTEMS: Bjorn Berg, director of Valgdirektoratet, says they go through IT-systems as before, but that they are sharpened because of the Pst’s new threat assessment.


- We are well equipped

– How well is the Norwegian electoral system, secured against Russian or chinese influence?

We do all of the things we have knowledge of that can be done, with good support from the best research environments in Norway. We believe that we are well positioned, but we must be aware that if these trusselaktørene will, have the amazing capacity. But there are no identified threats to our work as of today, he stresses.

They have not, so far as to him known, registered any attacks against the Norwegian electoral system in the past. But the IT systems should be tested thoroughly.

With the situation that is in the world around us, is our focus and the needs of the session on security and emergency preparedness in general, and it affects the precautions we take before the election this fall, says valgdirektøren. the

– It’s about protecting the IT systems we use in valggjennomføringen. Our task is to ensure the computer systems and that those who are involved in valgarbeidet to do the job right, ” he says, and points out that as many as 30 000 valgmedarbeidere is in turn when Norway shall implement the options.

you Got with you? PST will receive more alerts about that norwegians travelling pressured by the Russian intelligence

Should prøvehacke the Norwegian choice

Before the parliamentary elections in autumn will be Nasjonal sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM) try to hack it, as they have done in the past.

After you deliver your voice in an urn, it is either scanned or counted manually, also sent the results to the Valgdirektoratet central. It is this last transmission, which in particular should be protected against hacker attacks.

They are trying to test out our systems in full scale, but it is not something new, and it has been made at the previous choice, too, ” says Berg.

PST-chief Benedicte Bjørnland said during last week’s threat assessment that she is not so that Russia “does not have something special to serve to influence the parliamentary elections”.

– It is the message we get from them also, but we must be prepared for it, and do what we can to hedge against it, ” says director Berg Valgdirektoratet.

the very next week starts the training of the county municipalities, then the municipalities.

– Then we have exercises, prøvevalg and do several things to see that we do not get any surprises when we go into the election itself. Pst’s threat assessments, we get continuously until the election, also we get feedback on the work of the NSM do for us, ” says Berg at VG.

also Read: To try Russia to influence Norwegian politics


Kjempestup for Ap on the new poll – NRK

the Labour party falls to 33.9 percent, but the center party increases by 3.4 percentage points to 9.6 per cent. It gives the two old regjeringskameratene 81 mandates. A collaboration with Red (1 mandate), MDG (1) and SV (2), be able to secure a majority in Parliament.

at the same time, a constellation of Ap, Sp and KrF gaining a majority with 91 mandates. Ap, Q, V, and the MDGS have also majority with 85 mandates.

Q will be greater than the Right

the Sp-leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum says the centre party has had as a goal to be bigger than the conservative party by 2019. Now speculate he on about, the goal may be within reach already this fall.

” We have had it as a goal in two and a half years. But now, there are many who have voiced both the Right and the political Right that is not so for that they should get this centralization, which perhaps also is disappointed over the defence policy of this government has caused, and now think about again, ” he says to the class struggle.

the central party to stabilize in the 9′s in the cut of the februarmålingene, informs the valgforsker Bernt Aardal at the University of Oslo to Nationen. The highest average Sp have previously had in the 2000s in a enkeltmåned is 8 per cent.

– It may well be that they get over 10 per cent at the election. As more has been inside on the very things that make that the center and distriktspolitikken comes into focus, not just disappear throughout the spring, ” says Aardal.

SV and the Left are struggling

Both the Socialist Left party and the Left is below the threshold of measurement with an attendance of respectively 3,7 (-0,5) and 3.9% (-0,3).

Since the Left can only get three stortingsplasser when they no longer have utjevningsmandater, evaporate the bourgeois majority. The two coalition parties and støttepartiene Progress and Left get total of 84 seats.

the Right makes a good measurement with the 25% support level (-0,3). Frp goes up 0.9 percentage points to 12.7 percent. The christian democratic Party also increases by 0.8 percentage points and has support from the 5.6 per cent of the respondents.

MDG will receive 2.4% (-0,2) and Red gets 1.6 per cent (-0,3). It is the only Aps downturn and Sps progress that is outside the margin of error on the measurement. The margin varies between 0,5 and 2,9 percentage points, and is greatest for the largest parties.


Friday, February 10, 2017

Marie (17) was kicked in the head by the moose – ABC News

Marie Bartnes Herdlevær and venninna Ylva Berge, who filmed the video, was on skipatruljevakt and should only run through to check that the course was fine.

then Turned and came towards them

The two girls go on alpinlinja to NTG at Lillehammer, and was on night duty at the Kanthaugen Freestyleanlegg when the moose attacks.

Suddenly there was a huge moose in the trail. I just thought that I would not that it should come any closer. It was on its way out, but then turned it up and came straight towards us, telling Marie to ABC News.

Could have gone much worse

It kicked me and hit me on the helmet. I had very good luck. If I had not had a helmet on, I think it would have gone much worse.

also Read: Now is elgfaren especially great

Marie takes it all with great calm. She says that it was scary when it was happening, but she has not changed their plans because of it.

Now I’m going to take me for a jog and then I’m going to eat some dinner, ” she says.

looking for moose

Norwaynews Dagningen, who first talked about the matter, informs that it was running a snowmobile up afterwards to check if the moose were still in the area, but it was gone.

also Read: Angry moose chased the Swedish school children

the Moose in question, is according to Gunnar Nyhus who is fjelloppsynsmann in the area, a young elgokse which is located in the area around the ski slope.

It has not been aggressive before, ” says Nyhus to the GD.

Is not afraid of people

He anticipates that the matter will be reported to the police, and that the moose will eventually be killed by fallviltnemda.

The big problem with moose is that after having stayed in this area for a long time, has been in the menneskelukt around the clock, and thus is no longer afraid of people.

Feel that someone is on the road to many different birds its, it can go to attack, ” says Nyhus.

A slalåmkjører from the u.s. state of Colorado, also met the elk in the skiløypa:


Delays on Østfoldbanen Friday morning – Moss Avis


Go to the page’s main content

07:12-the train from Ski to Oslo, only to Myrvoll Friday morning.

Passengers on the Vestby had to go by regiontoget and sat down on the bus to Oslo.

Passengers on the Vestby had to go by regiontoget and sat down on the bus to Oslo. (Photo: )

Get the MA+ for the 100 million out easter!

07:12 train from Ski to Oslo, only to Myrvoll Friday morning.

there were several delays and the settings on the Østfoldbanen in the morning hours today. The cause was a train which blocked the track between Kolbotn and long house. The reported Path Nor in the eight-time.

Traffic went on one track past the Myrvoll station in nearly two-and-a-half hour Friday. It led to major delays both ways. A little after the clock ten were both track opened again.

- the Train is just removed by a bergingstog after technical failure, could Olav Nordli from the Path Nor sign at. 10:15 today. He anticipates that traffic will go up again relatively quickly.

We are experiencing a part følgeforsinkelser now, and the trains are currently between 10-20 minutes delayed in relation to the scheduled routes, ” said Nordli.

More settings

In addition to the shutdown of the Myrvoll was set a regional train services towards Oslo from Vestby. A regional train services towards Halden was also set. It was put into buses from Vestby and to the north, and from Oslo and to the south.

In addition, the train that ran right behind the problemtoget driven back to the Ski station, in order to be able to switch over to the track in the other direction.



Drevland withdraws from city council – VG

Former mayor Trude Drevland withdraws from the city council in Bergen and says no to continue with the policy of Bergen.

– I thank you for all the support in Bergen and will with this to announce that I have taken the heavy, but for me the right decision that I’m not coming back to the city council in Bergen, join she on her Facebook page.

In December, it became known that the indictment against former Bergen mayor Trude Drevland in the “cruise issue” henlegges because of bevisets position.

– I’m a political man and always will be in the Right. Beyond this I do not want to provide additional comments, type Drevland.

VG has been in contact with Drevland who writes in a text message that she did not have any further comments.

Solberg: – She still has much to give

Drevland was elected to the city council for the period 2015-2019, but has been on a leave from the council since she was charged with gross corruption. On Friday it became known that she withdraws.

– Trude has over many years put down a large and fortjenestefull effort for the Right. She writes on Facebook, she draws not from the party. Trude has concern and commitment for those around him, and after having met her so late in the day, I’m sure that she still has much to give, ” says prime minister Erna Solberg to VG.

the Prime minister was in Bergen on Friday in connection with the fact that she received her own star in the city’s so-called “walk of fame”, the sidewalk in Nøstegate where the name of the well-known from bergen cast in the same manner as the more well-known older brother in Hollywood.

It was here that Solberg met Drevland. That the profile høyrepolitikeren should resign from the city council later in the day was not a topic during the meeting between the two, according to america’s advisor Hans Christian Hansson.

Drevland beat the widow of the prime minister with a few years, and got his star in 2015.

Bergen mayor: Thank you Trude

Bergen’s mayor, Marte Mjøs Persen, (Ap), thank Drevland for your cooperation.

– I would first and foremost like to thank Trude for a good cooperation over many years, ” says Bergen’s mayor, Marte Mjøs Persen (Ap) to the VG.

She came into the bypolitikken at the same time as Drevland, and have known the previous høyrepolitikeren for many years in opposition.

also Read: the Opposition believes Drevland deserve peace

– I have a great understanding of that she takes this decision, and will really only wish her good luck for the future, ” says Mjøs.

Was the desired back

the Group leader of the Conservative bystyregruppe in Bergen, Hilde Onarheim, was familiar with the Drevlands decision an hour before the Drevland announced the decision on Facebook.

We in the bystyregruppen take this to the intelligence and respects her choice, says Onarheim.

Bergen Right long been clear that Trude Drevland has been wanted back in the city council.

– She has been wanted back, and she has been missed. She is a colorful and skilled politician and the mayor. She is a tough lady who has been through a lot and we have understanding for her decision, says Onarheim.

the Leader of the Bergen Right, Anne Lorgen Riise, was also familiar with the decision today.

There has certainly been a difficult decision, and we must respect. I became acquainted with this in the day. This is her choice. Trude is an extraordinary person. It is a pity that it was so, but she is always welcome in the Bergen Right. We haven’t talked about her political future on, but the door is always open, ” says Anne Lorgen Riise, head of the Bergen Right.

Drevland must formally apply to be exempt from their offices from the city council.

Timeline: See all about the “cruise issue” here

Cruise-the case began after Drevland was påspandert privatjet-trip and luxury hotel in the Venice of the nests Torstein Hagen for sjøsettingen of the ship “the Viking Star”. The police have also seen the christening of the ship in Bergen in 2015 and that Drevland tried to persuade her friend Norwegian trade and industry minister Monica Mæland (H) to change the rules for rederens ships.


Emergency vehicles in the fierce collision in the Oslo – pedestrian injured – VG

Two people, including a pedestrian, were injured after the car to the operational manager in the ambulance service in Oslo collided with a passenger car on Friday night.

There is personal injury. We have just arrived. Ambulance jobs with one person that is on the ground, ” says operasjonsleder Gjermund Stokkli to VG, and emphasizes that there were some patients in the legebilen.

Witnesses to the accident, which happened at the junction Hausmanns gate/Torggata, tells vg’s reporter on the spot that one of the cars involved in the accident hit a pedestrian, who was injured in the collision. This is also confirmed by the Oslo police just before the clock 19.

“The one the car has in addition run on a pedestrian”, the tweet message stated.

Stokkli informs the later towards the VG that the driver of the car is more easily damaged, while pedestrian injury have moderate injuries. The driver of the legebilen and another pedestrian who was involved in the accident is unharmed. the

also Read: Police car during intervention collided with the tram in Oslo

Photos from the site shows that ambulansebilen has major damage in front, while the car apparently was hit in the side. Both cars have major damage.

– There is a pedestrian who is run over in the traffic light. We do not have an overview of how the situation was with the lights when the accident happened. One vehicle was at the turnout to a fire when the accident happened, say police innsatsleder on the spot, Kristoffer Bang, to the VG.

this? Police car ended up in the ditch.

An ambulance has already left the place with a patient.

Police say they have created a case on the relationship and that they will investigate further. At the present time discloses that it is too early to say anything about who caused the collision.


Letemannskaper have found a lifeless person in the Åndalsnes – ABC News

the Police assume it is the missing 23-year-old man is found, since there is no other that is missing in the area.

A helicopter, crews from the Red Cross and three redningshunder helped in the search for 23-year-old who was on the hike up Nesaksla. He was reported missing at 22 on Thursday night after having been gone since at 12 o’clock in the morning. He was scheduled to only be out for four to five hours.


Sykefraværet i Nav er høyere enn landsgjennomsnittet – NRK

In the several counties was the absence of the Nav in an average of 8.2 per cent in 2016. It is about two percentage points higher than the national average for all jobs. The figures apply to employees in the labour and welfare service (nav). Nationwide had the Nav a sickness absence rate of 7.3 per cent in the last year. Also it is above the national average.

– We are not happy with a sickness absence of 7,3 on average for 2016. We think it is too high, and we can therefore work continuously to reduce it, says HR director in the Nav Inger-Johanne Stokke.

Challenging work

the HR director believes that there are many characteristics with Nav that could explain some of the reason why sickness absence is higher in the Hub than at other workplaces.

We have many employees in a frontline, where it is in the periods is a highly increased workload, ” says Stokke.

She also points to the high average age of a possible cause.

– Furthermore, we know that a high proportion of women and a relatively high average age of employees is of importance for sickness absence. In our business we have both a lot of women and a high average age.

the Nav in Sør-Trøndelag has a sickness absence of 7.2 per cent. This is not avdelingsdirektøren Bernt Asle Arntsen happy with. He tells us that the employees often encounter people in difficult situations and think it may be a contributing cause of sickness absence.

– It is to stand in such relations over time is demanding. It is important for us to ensure that our employees receive replenishment of the competence to stand in such tough brukermøter.

– Painstaking work

Nav administers a third of the state budget, and the majority of employees are employed in the Welfare state, while around a quarter are employed in the municipalities. NRK has just been given the figures on sick leave for the employees, but a spot test among municipal employees, shows that the sickness absence rate in the Middle-Namdal in the last year was 10.2 percent.

the Director of the Nav Nord-Trøndelag, norway, Vegard Rydningen, mean sickness absence in Nav is not as high as compared to some other parts of the public sector, which also stands close to the people in difficult life situations.

Photo: Johan Arnt Nesgård / Trønder-Newspaper

More of the employees in NRK have talked with believe the Nav does not take good enough care of their employees. However, they will not come forward with the criticism. Director of Nav Nord-Trøndelag, norway, Vegard Rydningen, says this is something they spend a lot of time.

” We spend a lot of time on this with managers, safety representatives and trade union representatives. We want to appear to be so that it is the same principles that underlie when we have sick leave internally with us, that when we follow up other companies, ” says Rydningen.

– We see that early and close monitoring of sykmeldte as well as to conduct preventive work has good effect. Those who succeed with such initiatives get down attendance, but we also see that this is a laborious work and that takes time, ” says Stokke.


Marie (17) the attack of the moose in the ski tracks – VG

It kicked me and hit me on the helmet. I think I had very luck, ” says 17-year-old Marie Bartnes Herdlevær.

I was very scared. We were skipatruljevakt and should only run through to check that the course was fine, ” says Marie Bartnes Herdlevær about when she and her friend Ylva Berge was attacked by a moose in winter sports.

the Incident happened during the kveldskjøringen at the Kanthaugen Freestyleanlegg in Lillehammer, norway on Thursday evening.

Suddenly there was a huge moose in the course. It was on its way out, but then turned it up and came straight for us, ” explains Herdlevær.

Then this: Moose surprised Lena with unexpected manoeuvre

– Could not prevented it.

The 17-year-old girls were wearing safety vests and stood on the alpinski without spells. They should make sure that no one was injured in the course.

Before they realized it themselves, there was a moose in front of them.

– It came completely unexpectedly and abruptly on us because we came around a bend. We had a bad time and could not be prevented that the moose was scared, ” says Marie.

<p>Ylva Berge and Marie Bartnes Herdlevær was in skipatrulje in the course when they met a moose. The image is from an earlier occasion.</p>ATTACK OF the MOOSE:

Ylva Berge and Marie Bartnes Herdlevær was in skipatrulje in the course when they met a moose. The picture is from a previous occasion.

Photo: Private

Hit on the Mystory

It was her friend to Herdlevær, Ylva Berge, who filmed the dramatic event. The girls saw that the moose was there and was filming it as it went down in the woods.

– After that I stopped filming kicked he Marie a time to and hit her on the helmet so that the glasses her fell down. I was very scared, ” says Berge.

Ylva let out the video on Snapchat of his Mystory, where it was seen by 300 friends.

When I got so many snaps about how it had gone, all were happy that it had gone fine with Marie, ” says Berge.

See the incredible picture: Moose froze stuck in the ice

Know moose

Gunnar Nyseth, which is fjelloppsynsmann, said to the newspaper Gudbrandsølen Dagningen that he knows the moose it is to talk about. He says that he has tried to get the shot the moose.

– It is a so-called piggokse which is two years now in our. It has his permanent move in the Kanthaugen area, but it has not been aggressive before, ” says Nyseth to the newspaper.

He anticipates that the matter will be reported to the police and that fallviltnemnda are connected in order to get taken out the moose.

Stood very still

Afterwards lo we of it, but that I think was because it went so well. It could have gone really bad. I could have been in the hospital now, tell Herdlevær.

What did the moose after it had kicked you?

– It went away from me a little. And so the said Ylva that I should stand completely still. Then it went even further away and as we drove past, so far away on the side that we came.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Fatality on the E6 in Norway – Dagbladet.en

(Dagbladet): A person is confirmed dead after a collision between a truck and a passenger car on E6 in Ottestad in Hedmark, join the police on Twitter.

- the sequence of Events is not entirely clear, but it is to talk about two vehicles – a truck and a passenger car – which has come from different directions and collided, informs the operasjonsleder Terese Court Bylterud in Inland police district to the Newspaper.

the Police received a message about the accident, which occurred in an 80-zone on the winter roads, at 00.32. Just before the clock 05.00 notify the police that the driver of the car is confirmed to have died on the spot. The driver of the truck is physically unharmed, but is being attended to by health care provider.

so far, It has not succeeded to the police to notify all the next of kin.

emergency Services are still working on the site, and the road is closed until further notice.

It will still take a while before the road can be opened again, when the police are working with the technical and tactical research on the place, ” says Bylterud.

the Review comes back with more.

Similar to Dagbladet on Facebook


UDI: – Several unaccompanied minors have tried to take his own life – ABC News

The most vulnerable group in the Norwegian reception has gotten worse in the last six months, confirms the Norwegian directorate of Immigration.

More unaccompanied minors has recently attempted to take his own life at the reception centre, ABC News stated.

– We now know that the later time have been several suicide attempts in the reception centre for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers, says fagsjef in the UDI, the Noble Grønningsæter Pallum, to ABC News.

the Norwegian receiving reports about a negative development of the unaccompanied minor asylbarn and youth in the last six months, according to AUTHORITIES.

A negative development

In addition to several suicide attempts, it is reported about several cases of self-mutilation.

the Reception report that they have experienced a negative development with more young people in the last six months. It’s all about sleep problems, school refusal, frustration, social isolation, depressed mood, aggression and acting out. It does not mean that it is so on all the receipt, but it is the sum of the feedback we have received, ” says Grønningsæter Pallum.

Background: Selvmordsbølge among young afghan asylum seekers in Sweden

Features implemented

It has led to that the reception centre has set in motion measures to help the young people, according to the agency.

” We take this very seriously, and the reception has initiated various measures to help young people. Among other things, the number of employees increased, each youth will receive closer follow-up, it offered several activities, and we work closely with child welfare, school, police and health service.

UDI ba Listhaug change the practice

UDI estimates 70 per cent of them who get decision now of unaccompanied minors will be limited in the stay.

Either it is time-limited permit, temporary stay in Norway until they are 18 years of age and must travel home. Or an ID-limited permission where minors get to stay, but the permit must be renewed each year to obtain documentation of the identity.

It corresponds to around 630 minors. Most are afghan boys aged 16 to 17 years.

In December, wrote UDI a letter to the ministry of Justice and public security where they asked Listhaug reconsider the provision from the June 2014 that the children with limited stay in the Uk not to will be transferred in foster care or in a municipality.

Listhaug will evaluate whether the single asylbarn to be in foster care. Photo: Mads Fremstad / ABC News

“This promotes not good integration, and also can create fertile ground for challenges on both the individual and community levels”, states the letter.

the Provision of a limited stay applies to children who do not have a claim on protection (asylum), but instead get a temporary residence permit one year at a time.

To ABC News said Listhaug in December that she fears “settlement of single asylbarn with limited stay can send signals of liberalization of the government’s asylum policy”.

– It is an issue we now have to the treatment in the ministry, so that we shall come back to, but there is a downside that the signals we send out could be perceived as a liberalization. On the other hand, there are challenges also in the case not to settle, said Listhaug to ABC News in December.

Outcome of the treatment is not yet clear, according to AUTHORITIES.

the Ombudsman will not get the answer

Barneombud Anne Lindboe has not received a reply from the ministry. Photo: Berit Roald (NTB scanpix)

Long before the UDI is notified Listhaug and the ministry about the effect of the lack of settlement, sent the Ombudsman a letter to the ministry of Justice and beredskapdepartementet.

In a letter dated 20.05.2016 that ABC News has been given access to take the Ombudsman up to the issue and expressed their concern towards the ministry.

the Letter is never answered.

9. January again sends the Ombudsman a letter to the ministry.

“Young people who are not resident, does not come properly in time with their lives here in Norway. They will stay at the reception centre, “a conservative, but prudent” accommodation, that is intended for temporary stay pending completion of the asylum application is decided. “The reception centre is not, and should not be, permanent homes for youth. Low bostandard over time, together with the uncertainty that is linked to not become a resident, can get the health and other consequences for the youth.” writes barneombud Anne Lindboe to the ministry.

the Ombudsman asks in the letter that the government resumes the settlement of unaccompanied minors who have been given limited stay due to unknown identity.

the chief Physician and child psychiatrist Aina Basilier Vaage believe asylbarnas mental health is not adhered to well enough out of the Norwegian health care system. Photo: Private

Beat the alarm in 2015

A survey from NTNU in 2015 showed that 43 per cent of children and young people in the Norwegian reception centres and omsorgssentre have over the critical threshold for emotional symptoms.

In December 2015, beating the child psychiatrist and social commentator, Aina Basilier Vaage, alarm about the conditions of youth and children at the Norwegian reception centres.

– There is no follow-up. When they come to Norway, they will receive a standard health check of their somatic and mental health, but they come on the receipt and have no systematic follow-up beyond the usual level of medical care in the municipality. It takes time before they get health care, and the offer varies, among other things through which the nurse resources each municipality has, said Basilier Vaage in 2015.

also Read: Revealed: The unknown asylfiaskoen


UDI switch alarm: Several young asylum seekers at the reception has tried to commit suicide – Daily


– Reception centres report that they have experienced a negative development with more young people in the last six months. It’s all about sleep problems, school refusal, frustration, social isolation, depressed mood, aggression and acting out. It does not mean that it is so on all the receipt, but it is the sum of the feedback we have received, ” says fagsjef in the UDI, the Noble Grønningsæter Pallum.

Ombudsman and a number of organisations have called varsku long as the situation for unaccompanied refugee minors living in Norwegian reception. UDI is also very concerned about.

– It is also reported about cases of self-harm, and we know that there recently have been several suicide attempts in the reception centre for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers. We take this very seriously, and the reception has initiated various measures to help young people. Among other things, the number of employees increased, each youth will receive closer follow-up, it offered several activities, and we work closely with child welfare, school, police and health service, says Pallum.

Sent a letter of concern

In november of last year sent UDI a letter of concern to the ministry of Justice and public security:

“the Lack of follow-up, and low degree of voksenkontakt over time is very unfortunate with regards to the individual’s development and vulnerability.”

UDI will that the ministry is reviewing current practices suggest that no people with a limited residence permit being resident:

“the UDI believes that it is unfortunate that children have more years of their life on hold in the reception, when they have a permission that gives the right to be in Norway. This promotes good integration, and also can create fertile ground for challenges both at the individual and community levels.”

UDI has still not received any response from the ministry.

Problems with midlertidighet

In 2016, the increased use of temporary residence permit to unaccompanied minor powerful. Almost everyone who got the temporary stay comes from Afghanistan. One of the reasons why fewer afghan minors get permanent residence, due to the fact that the UDI did a new assessment of the security situation in Afghanistan in the last year. No provinces are no longer seen as so precarious that afghan asylum seekers cannot be sent back. In addition, the Parliament in the last year to remove the “rimelighetsvilkåret” for internflukt – which means that the afghans who come from unsafe areas can be sent back to another province without that it is assessed whether this is reasonable or not. The increased use of temporary residence permits looks set to continue in 2017. In January got 98 unaccompanied minors a temporary permission.

– It is a violently high number and just shows that there are no signs of improvement. The dramatic developments we saw in 2016 continues with full force in 2017. We, the guardians and many other organizations have called varsku long. Now there must be done something, ” said Camilla Scharffscher Engeset, a special adviser at save the Children to Dagsavisen yesterday.

In the near future to UDI provide answers to 900 unaccompanied minors who came to Norway during the flyktningkrisen in 2015. The majority are between 16 and 17 years of age. UDI estimates that 70 per cent of them will get a temporary stay.

Disappears from the reception centre

Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen has written several cases about the problems that occur when young asylum seekers with an uncertain future, will stay at the reception for a long time. A few weeks ago told Usman Ali Khan that their children are getting progressively worse to live in uncertainty. Khan is barnevernspedagog and employed by a care center for asylbarn.

– They are becoming more and more closed and stop after each to mingle with the others. Some people are also paranoid, and believe they will be sent out of the country. The thing that worries me the most is that they are so young. The children feel that there is something wrong with them. They don’t understand what a limited permit is and believe they have been rejected. Several of the children follow on the news or hear about others who have been rejected and been sent out. We are all the time worried that they will disappear.

Khan and the other who works at omsorgssentrene have spent a lot of time tracking down children that are lost. He has even experienced that the children in the age of 12 have disappeared. Khan believes the current practice only brings problems.

– We feel that the government is working against us. The longer the time passes before these children get a permanent home, the longer it will take before they are integrated in Norwegian society. We see this daily. Those who get the residence change rapidly. They get Norwegian friends and a completely different samfunnsforståelse. Those who will stay at the centers will not arrive in time with their lives. To be on the center is in itself associated with frustration and uncertainty. We spend a lot of time to comfort the children, ” says Khan, adding:

– Omsorgssentre to be a temporary offer. Now we have examples of children who have been living in two years. They do not get experience to be part of a family and broken down.


TVNorge-the boss quits after disagreement with owners – Today’s Business

discovery’s digitalsjef Sindre capital economics (39) was on the collection with the rest of the senior management at Discovery Networks International in Miami as late as the end of January.

– Yes, it is correct. Where I also got the opportunity to present a keynote speech about the things I thought could be possible to do forward. Based on the feedback from the entire senior management at Discovery Networks International, I find that what I said was perceived as relevant, says capital economics.

So you will stop one and a half week later?

– We have different views on what is required to succeed, and the prerequisites that I should do it has changed, ” he says.

What told you them in Miami?

– I can’t go on.

Is it so that the desire for cost-cutting has been at the expense of the opportunities of digital development?

I can’t say anything about. But I have got a kind of black belt in to work with the digital transformation in both NRK and then in Schibsted’s eierstiftelse, the Tinius Trust. Scandinavia is one of the most advanced digital media markets, and it is with the mind I have done my reviews and drawn the conclusion about what I believe the need to succeed, ” says capital economics.

– What do you do now?

Now I’m going to the top. We are in search of the mountain with the most snow. So I will teach myself to climb ice, and go on a sailing trip with the “Entrepreneurship One”, the boat to Kahoot-founder Johan Brand, ” says Sindre capital economics.

The Norwegian quiz service Kahoot is one of the digital hand.

Tried it

After the DN experience is the background for that chief in Norway and Sweden, Harald Stream (54), leaving the company together with Sindre capital economics is that they experience that they were attempted to overrun and detaljstyrt of the Discovery system. TVNorge and Discovery are owned by the american tv network Discovery Communications.

Harald Flow taken Sindre capital economics from Schibsted and the Tinius foundation in the fall of 2016 to be to digitize the company. The two have had the same opinion and views on what was needed to succeed digitally, and therefore chose to leave the company together.

Flow and capital economics, after the DN understand neither the resources or the leeway they believed was necessary to succeed.

Discovery should have been more concerned about cost-cutting than by the strategic focus on digital content.

the Streamed departure happens soon after that Michael Long was appointed to the new nordic Discovery-director.

Different views on the way to success

Harald Flow believes the Discovery is well positioned for the future.

But the owners and I have different views on what steps are now necessary to achieve success. Therefore, I choose to leave the company. We separated as friends, and I have great respect for the Discovery and the people here. After eight years at the helm, it can still be refreshing to shift the focus, ” says Harald Flow.

  • Discovery Networks Norway is a Norwegian mediegruppe.
  • the Group’s turnover was 1.6 billion in 2015.
  • the Owner is the american TV network Discovery Communications.
  • TV-house consists mainly of eight channels: the Flagship TVNorge and the seven sekundærkanalene Five, Max, Vox, TLC, Discovery Channel, Eurosport and Eurosport Uk. And strømmetjenesten Dplay.
  • Managing director and editor in chief of Discovery Networks Norway has since 2009 been Harald Flow.

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He says the tv company has doubled seerandelene and quadrupled both revenue and profits. Discovery has under his management also invested heavily in sportsrettigheter as the top division in football and the OLYMPICS.

  • the Outgoing managing director and editor in chief of Discovery Networks Norway.
  • Bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Colorado, MBA from BI Norwegian business school.
  • Has been a journalist in VG, the director of communications at TV 2, managing director of the Port, managing director and partner of Try advertising agency.

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That Sindre capital economics chose to stop at the same time as him, commenting on the Stream as follows:

I picked up the inn Sindre because I thought he was the best in the Nordic countries to be with and change company. The fact that he is also leaving the company now, after such a short time, due to the fact that we share perception of what was needed to rig the Discovery of the future, ” says Stream.

Flow is well satisfied with his own efforts for TVNorge and the other channels in the Discovery Network Norway.

There has been a continuous adventure. If we look at where the company was, and where we are now and I’m very proud, ” says Stream.

Short time

Sindre capital economics joined the company in august of 2016. He has had the role as Nordic director for the digital services and development.

In the press release from Discovery Networks, he explains the takeoff with that he and the owners have “different views” on the way forward.

the Discovery has muscles that to succeed with the transformation this industry is facing, but the owners and I have different views on what the appropriate steps should be. Therefore, I choose to leave the company, ” says capital economics.

“Sad that he is now ending”

Michael Lang is head of the Discovery Nordics, and also served as president of digital and international development in the Discovery system.

He praises Harald Flow for having done an outstanding job for the company, both as the leader of the Norwegian and the Swedish activities.

  • the Outgoing director with responsibility for new business at Discovery Networks in Norway and Sweden.
  • Came to the Discovery in the autumn of 2016.
  • director of the Tinius foundation, between 2014 and 2016, and thus central in the strategic work in Schibsted Media Group.
  • Was digitalsjef in the Norwegian broadcasting corporation from 2009 to 2014. Responsible for developing services such as Nrk TV and radioplayer,,, nrkbeta.en and

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” We think it is sad that he is now ending, at the same time, we respect the decision. Harald together with the rest of the organization taken TVNorge and Discovery from being a small player in the Norwegian tv-market, to now to be among the largest, sharpest and most offensive. We owe him a big thanks and wish him good luck for the future, ” says Long.

– After the DN understand the due departure time of the Flow, and capital economics disagreement with the owners about the road ahead digital?

Our company is more concerned with the digital than any other media company in the world, claim Long.

He refers to the that the Discovery have developed a platform for web tv, together with Major League Baseball, called BAM Tech, which will be used by Eurosport, which also is a part of the Discovery family.

– This is a platform that will be a part of our digital relaunch in the course of the next few months. I’m sure Sindre supports the strategy and what we’re doing here, ” says Long.

Norway will be the first Discovery of the land that will have this platform, which will be released approximately when the top division starting in a few months.

– It must be a blow for you that Flow and capital economics ends at the same time?

– It is definitely a loss, and we wish them the best. But we have a strong local team that we respect and trust, and we have strong brands and market position. When people stop, it has always an effect. But we believe we are on the right track, and it is “business as usual” for the rest of the organization, ” says Long.

– do you Fear that more leaders will disappear as a result of this?

– I can’t speak for everyone in the company, but I can’t see why it would happen. This will also be an opportunity for others to step up, ” says Michael Long.


Monikas mother requires that the Fire be removed as a defender – NRK

It attracted great attention and surprise when the 27. January was known that Donatas Lukosevicius, as in the Nordhordland district court was sentenced to detention for the murder of Monika Sviglinskaja (8), still wanted to get the appeal up for Gulating lagmannsrett.

It happened just a few days after that Monikas mother, Kristina Sviglinskaja, could draw a sigh of relief over to drop a new trial about his daughter’s death. Lukosevicius’ previous defense Asmund Sandland withdrew the appeal, so the ruling was left standing.

Now Monikas mother, Kristina Sviglinskaja, via their lawyer, Stig Nilsen, delivered an objection against that, John Christian the Fire gets to defend Donatas Lukosevicius, who now also wants a new trial.

I think he should retire – that it carried out a forced forsvarerbytte, says He to NRK.

WILL HAVE a NEW TRIAL: Donatas Lukosevicius appealed forvaringsdommen for the murder of Monika Sviglinskaja. So was the appeal withdrawn, but now want Lukosevicius still the case up to the appellate court.

Photo: Hommedal, Marit / NTB scanpix

– Appears unfortunate and quite amazing

the assistance of counsel justifies this with the fact that John Christian Fire has defended Geir Gudmundsen, the former chief of police in the Hordaland police district, in the same proceedings.

as Seen from my client’s standpoint, it’s unfortunate and quite amazing that the defense attorney for the police commissioner now acting as a defender for Lukosevicius, ” says Nilsen.

Gudmundsen was responsible for politidistriktet that got the 100 000 in foretaksstraff for its handling of the Monika case. Nilsen believes, first, that the Fire through forsvarsarbeidet for Gudmundsen has acquired the information he as a defender for the defendant, Lukosevicius, normally should not have access to.

the Fire has disclosed sakskomplekset seen from the politimesterens standpoint, which has given him knowledge of conditions that he is difficult to ignore as a defender of the sentenced, ” says Nilsen.

Kristina Sviglinskajas lawyer believes, furthermore, it is problematic that the Fire defender Lukosevicius, as in the district court, was convicted of murder, because Gudmundsen was responsible for henlegge Monikas deaths selvdrap.

– When he represented that it was responsible for politidistriktet, and thus the parent responsible for henlegge the case, then it is unfortunate and a little comforting that he later acts as the defender of the sentenced in the case. It is hovedinnsigelsen, ” says Nilsen.

Facts about Monika’s case and sentence

  • Eight-year-old Monika Sviglinskaja was found dead in the home on Sotra 14. november 2011. Nine months later the case was dismissed as a likely suicide.
  • the Mother, Kristina Sviglinskaja, asked earlier Anders-detective Asbjørn Hansen to look into the matter. He criticized the henleggelsen.
  • In may 2014, the Hordaland police district investigation. In October of the same year was the mother’s former roommate, Lithuanian 34-year-old Donatas Lukosevicius, arrested.
  • the Trial started in the Nordhordland district court 30. may of this year. Lukosevicius is prosecuted for murder under particularly aggravating circumstances. He refuses the fault.
  • last year, the policeman and the reporter Robin Schaefer out a book in which he criticizes the California politidistrikts handling of the case. Spesialenheten for police matters has imposed Hordaland police district a fine of 100.000 nok for the rough uforstand in the service.
  • Wednesday 22. June let the prosecution down the claim about the 18 years of detention with a 10-year minimum time for Lukosevicius, who is convicted several times in Lithuania.
  • Monday, 25. July 2016 was Donatas Lukosevicius sentenced to 18 years ‘ detention for the murder of Monika Sviglinskaja.
  • Lukosevicius appealed the judgment to the Gulating court of appeal, where the appeal was to start 6. February 2017. But through the dømtes former defender, Asmund Sandland, pulled Lukosevicius appeal 24. January 2017.
  • Three days later, it became known that Lukosevicius still wanted to appeal the case, and that he had been appointed by John Christian the Fire as the new defense.

Source: NTB/NRK

Have even contacted the Fire

Nilsen also think there is a danger that the Fire can end up in a conflict of interest between his former and current client.

I think that in itself dictates that he should not take on the mission, ” says Nilsen.

He has even contacted the Fire on the issue.

– I took it up with him directly first, and questioned this.

What answer did you get?

I will not go into, ” says Nilsen.

Now, Nilsen has therefore sent a formal request to the Gulating court of appeal, in which he asks that Lukosevicius deprived of Fire as a defender. The fire has the deadline to 17. February to come up with its response.

WILL NOT HAVE the CASE UP AGAIN: – She has been fully successful in what she has explained all the way. She is relieved and wants to thank all who have given her support and help, î said Stig Nilsen, Kristina Sviglinskajas a lawyer, when it was known that the appeal was withdrawn. Now run the risk of Monikas mother a new trial.

Photo: Paul S. Amundsen, Amundsen, Paul Sigve / NTB scanpix

More paragraphs

It is currently not clear which lovparagrafer Nilsen will use with the court to justify the claim forsvarerbytte.

Straffeprosesslovens section 95 says that the same person may not be the defender of the “several persons who have conflicting interests” (it was right enough Hordaland police district as a whole, and not Geir Gudmundsen personally, that formally was indicted by Spesialenheten for police matters, journ.anm.).

Paragraph 105 says that the court can appoint new defense if it is “utilrådelig that the previously appointed are still doing service.”

There are several paragraphs that are overlapping and may be appropriate. I will await the answer from the Fire until I come with further arguments towards the court, ” says Nilsen.

DEFENSE: John Christian the Fire, who in these days are busy with Eirik Jensen-the case in the Oslo district court, is appointed as a defender for Donatas Lukosevicius. It does not accept Monikas mother.

Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Scanpix

Lukosevicius has submitted a formal appeal

John Christian the Fire type in a text to NRK that has not yet been seen in the rebuttal from Kristina Sviglinskajas a lawyer.

– do you See any basis for your earlier forsvarerjobb for Gudmundsen can do that the court finds you unfit to defend Lukosevicius?

“so will I within 17. February comment”, enter the Fire.

According to the Fire appealed Lukosevicius hevingskjennelsen immediately when he became acquainted with the 24. January. On Monday this week received the Gulating lagmannsrett Eldens formal appeal.

Now awaiting the court of appeal Statsadvokatens response to this appeal, before the matter be communicated to the Supreme court. They will determine whether Lukosevicius are allowed to promote their case for the court of appeal.

the district attorney has, like the Fire, the deadline to 17. February to come up with its response.


Port of tromsø Bergen get fired – NRK

the Council was today gathered to discuss the havnedirektør Inge Tangerås future in Bergen and omland narvik (BOH).

Lke after at 12 o’clock, it was clear that Tangerås is removed from the position as havnedirektør.

After a long and thorough debate has havnerådet with a large majority supported the board’s recommendation to initiate a process of terminating the employment of the harbour director, says Jon Askeland, the leader of the council.

Askeland stated that 16 of the 19 in attendance, members voted to remove Tangerås.

– Tangerås will now be called in for discussions. Where will you try to reach a conclusion in the matter. This is the start of a process, ” says Askeland.

Supported the board’s recommendation

Havnestyret went at the end of January for that Tangerås should be removed from the position. Havnerådet is the top organ in the BOH, and took in the day the final decision on Tangerås future.

– A total advice agreed with a total control about the that it committed a clear violation of Bergen’s ethical standard, which is a part of arbeidsreglementet in the municipality, ” says Askeland.

Askeland describes the case as difficult.

– There is no winner in a case like this, it is hard and sad, ” he says.

Ulrik Jørgensen continues as acting director until the board can bright out the position again.

TOOK the DECISION: Havnerådets leader Jon Askeland and Ulrik Jørgensen during the meeting Thursday.

Photo: May-Helen Rolfsnes / NRK

Investigated for corruption

Tangerås has been suspended from the post after he was indicted for corruption in the so-called cruisedåp case. Also former mayor Trude Drevland and nests Torstein Hagen was indicted in the highly publicized case.

Tangerås and his wife said yes please to a minicruise with the “Viking Star” after the baptism 17. may 2015. This is among the points he has been investigated for.

Korrupsjonssaken is dismissed, but a committee established by the havnestyret has considered whether Tangerås has acted in violation of the havnevesenets ethical rules.

Facts: Cruisedåp-case

Foto: Tom Guldbrandsen

  • Mayor Trude Drevland was godmother when the cruise ship “the Viking Star” was baptized in a large-scale ceremony at Bryggen in Bergen, 17. may 2015.
  • In the aftermath it came out that Drevland and her son in June the year before was taken by private planes at Flesland airport and flown to Venice, where they stayed at luxury hotel. Travel and accommodation was paid by the shipping company Viking Cruises, which is owned and operated by Norwegian Torstein Hagen.
  • After the baptism in the Bergen went Drevland and her husband on a three day cruise with “Viking Star”, a journey paid for by the company.
  • Two months after veneziaturen ba Garden Drevland for help to get changed the rules of the Norwegian International ship register, so that the cruise ship could be registered and have a home port in Bergen. Drevland contacted the Norwegian trade and industry minister Monica Mæland, who is a former yesterday in Bergen. Two months later the rules changed.
  • After revelations in the media was the mayor Drevland on sick leave 5. June. A planned free cruisereise with the “Viking Star” in October was also cancelled after the media stories. The journey was a gudmorgave from the shipping company.
  • 15. June lamented Drevland failing judgement in an emotional press conference at city hall in Bergen.
  • the Police created a case opened to investigate the circumstances around the skipsdåpen and travels, but politijurist Ole Bjørn Mevatne henla case only four days later, before the trip to Venice and the cruise in October was known.
  • 10. august was Trude Drevland back on the job for the Right after sykmeldingen.
  • After the lookup in the media asked the commissioner of police John Reidar Nilsen 31. august to consider the resumption of undersøkelssesaken. Attorney general Erik Proud-Nielsen confirmed the resumption only a few hours later.
  • Late the same evening, told Trude Drevland in a press release that she would take unpaid leave while politisaken in progress.
  • 18. september took the police out of charges of gross corruption against Drevland and havnedirektør Inge Tangerås. Tangerås la to facilitate skipsdåpen 17. may, and was with to Venice, and on the cruise after the national day.
  • Later also have owner Torstein Hagen has been charged with corruption. Police say the investigation of the case can take months or years.

want to continue

the Lawyer Tangerås say that they haven’t seen a cancellation yet, and that they will go to trial when they get it. Formally speaking, he is still suspended from the job.

– The only thing we have been told, is that Tangerås has made itself guilty of violations of the municipal code of the default. What we have been given of the grounds for the termination, is what we have read in the newspaper. If it is as thin as what we read in the newspaper, it retssak, ” says Svein Aage Valen.


Port of tromsø will not continue – NRK

the Council was today gathered to discuss the havnedirektør Inge Tangerås future in Bergen and omland narvik (BOH).

Lke after at 12 o’clock, it was clear that Tangerås is removed from the position as havnedirektør.

After a long and thorough debate has havnerådet with a large majority supported the board’s recommendation to initiate a process of terminating the employment of the harbour director, says Jon Askeland, the leader of the council.

Askeland stated that 16 of the 19 in attendance, members voted to remove Tangerås.

– Tangerås will now be called in for discussions. Where will you try to reach a conclusion in the matter. This is the start of a process, ” says Askeland.

Supported the board’s recommendation

Havnestyret went at the end of January for that Tangerås should be removed from the position. Havnerådet is the top organ in the BOH, and took in the day the final decision on Tangerås future.

– A total advice agreed with a total control about the that it committed a clear violation of Bergen’s ethical standard, which is a part of arbeidsreglementet in the municipality, ” says Askeland.

Askeland describes the case as difficult.

– There is no winner in a case like this, it is hard and sad, ” he says.

Ulrik Jørgensen continues as acting director until the board can bright out the position again.

TOOK the DECISION: Havnerådets leader Jon Askeland and Ulrik Jørgensen during the meeting Thursday.

Photo: May-Helen Rolfsnes / NRK

Investigated for corruption

Tangerås has been suspended from the post after he was indicted for corruption in the so-called cruisedåp case. Also former mayor Trude Drevland and nests Torstein Hagen was indicted in the highly publicized case.

Tangerås and his wife said yes please to a minicruise with the “Viking Star” after the baptism 17. may 2015. This is among the points he has been investigated for.

Korrupsjonssaken is dismissed, but a committee established by the havnestyret has considered whether Tangerås has acted in violation of the havnevesenets ethical rules.

Facts: Cruisedåp-case

Foto: Tom Guldbrandsen

  • Mayor Trude Drevland was godmother when the cruise ship “the Viking Star” was baptized in a large-scale ceremony at Bryggen in Bergen, 17. may 2015.
  • In the aftermath it came out that Drevland and her son in June the year before was taken by private planes at Flesland airport and flown to Venice, where they stayed at luxury hotel. Travel and accommodation was paid by the shipping company Viking Cruises, which is owned and operated by Norwegian Torstein Hagen.
  • After the baptism in the Bergen went Drevland and her husband on a three day cruise with “Viking Star”, a journey paid for by the company.
  • Two months after veneziaturen ba Garden Drevland for help to get changed the rules of the Norwegian International ship register, so that the cruise ship could be registered and have a home port in Bergen. Drevland contacted the Norwegian trade and industry minister Monica Mæland, who is a former yesterday in Bergen. Two months later the rules changed.
  • After revelations in the media was the mayor Drevland on sick leave 5. June. A planned free cruisereise with the “Viking Star” in October was also cancelled after the media stories. The journey was a gudmorgave from the shipping company.
  • 15. June lamented Drevland failing judgement in an emotional press conference at city hall in Bergen.
  • the Police created a case opened to investigate the circumstances around the skipsdåpen and travels, but politijurist Ole Bjørn Mevatne henla case only four days later, before the trip to Venice and the cruise in October was known.
  • 10. august was Trude Drevland back on the job for the Right after sykmeldingen.
  • After the lookup in the media asked the commissioner of police John Reidar Nilsen 31. august to consider the resumption of undersøkelssesaken. Attorney general Erik Proud-Nielsen confirmed the resumption only a few hours later.
  • Late the same evening, told Trude Drevland in a press release that she would take unpaid leave while politisaken in progress.
  • 18. september took the police out of charges of gross corruption against Drevland and havnedirektør Inge Tangerås. Tangerås la to facilitate skipsdåpen 17. may, and was with to Venice, and on the cruise after the national day.
  • Later also have owner Torstein Hagen has been charged with corruption. Police say the investigation of the case can take months or years.

want to continue

Tangerås has previously stated to NRK that he wanted to continue in the position as havnedirektør, after it became clear that the prosecutor henla case against him. Formally speaking, he is still suspended from the job.

Tangerås do not want to comment on the case today, and shows to his lawyer. It has so far not been successful NRK to get a comment from the lawyer Svein Aage Valen.


450 police officers caught two men in the giant action – TV 2

German police says that two men are arrested in connection with the investigation of a possible planned terrorist attack, reports Spiegel.

A 27-year-old man from Algeria and a 23-year-old from Nigeria was apprehended on the night of Thursday in and around the city of Göttingen, about 12 miles south of Hanover.

Both live in the city, and shall long have been a part of a salafistisk environment. Followers of salafisme espouse a literal and fundamentalist interpretation of the Qur’an.

450 police officers participated in the action, where eleven buildings were examined, writes Die Welt.

the Background for the campaign is, according to the police chief in Göttingen that it is the last few days have been increasingly more information to suggest that a terrorist attack was being planned. Thus, specific police to action quickly. (TV 2/NTB)
