Monday, August 8, 2016

Police: Man kidnapped by burglars in Moss – VG

A man in Moss was on Monday kidnapped by thieves who had broken into the residence he lives in, police said.

The man had contacted with police after he discovered the burglary at his home. He said that an armed man was trying to break into. The man must have been with the family when the burglary occurred.

When police arrived at the house was empty, but with traces of burglary. As the resident’s car was not around, the police sent in Østfold out a notification to the police in neighboring districts.

– An hour afterwards contacted the aggrieved police, then he had managed to escape, said Lieutenant Tom Erik Guttulsrød by Community Correctional Unit.

He says that the police got hold of the man’s wife and children about the same time and the whole family has been in for questioning.

– yet we do not know how it goes with the family, but it is clear that this is a dramatic experience. and one can imagine how this is experienced as it happens in one’s own home, says Guttulsrød VG.

According to police inspector they currently no descriptions of the perpetrators, but they hope that the investigation will provide more answers.

Operations Paul Horne in Eastern Police informs clock 16.20 VG that it has not obtained new information of importance in the investigation.

it is also not appointed a counsel because aggrieved basically not entitled to it, says Horne.

Interrogations with the victim and his family want not operational leader to comment.

VG come back with more.


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