Monday, August 8, 2016

Police: Landlord kidnapped by burglars in Moss – Aftenposten

The Police Operations Centre in Oslo received clock 06.30 today a message from a man reporting a burglary at a house in the center of Moss.

the man reporting that a gunman was about to break into the house, where also his wife and children were present.

-Dramatisk message

It was a dramatic message to the police. When the first police patrol arrived at the house, they found it deserted but with traces of burglary. And the victim’s car was gone. Therefore we chose to notify police in neighboring districts, because we could not rule out that someone was abducted, said police inspector Tom Erik Guttulsrød by Community Correctional Unit in Oslo.

Major armed police forces and police helicopter were for several hours this morning in action .

After an hour the police got in Follo contact with the man who was abducted. He explained that he was kidnapped by those who broke in with him, but he got out of the car at Kolbotn and then called the police.

Wife and children broke away on his own

About the same time the police got in Moss contact with the man’s wife and children, who had come away from the house on their own.

the car of the man who was abducted was found on Hauketo and is now being investigated by the criminal investigation technicians . Police did search around where the car was found to look for culprits.

The police are making now to a survey around the house in Moss there burglary and abduction happened.

The perpetrators remain at large

– the perpetrators are still at large, and information gathered through the investigation used to identify and locate these, writes police press release.

-Available there any detailed description of perpetrators?

we have not now any description that we want to go out with. The investigation is in full swing. It should be questioning and do other tests to get the most information about what has happened, said police inspector.

Threatened with firearms

The police have not any information about what kind of firearm it was used to threaten.

No one should have been physically injured during the burglary or kidnapping, police said.

“pedophile, stop him!”

a witness Aftenposten has been in contact with, tells of an episode on the platform at Hauketo at 7:30 o’clock:

– a man ran after another while he shouted: “pedophile, stop him! Pedophile. “

This may have been an attempt to get others to intervene to stop the man who was fleeing. Operations Terje Marstad Østfold There are no indications that such a thing might have been the topic of detention.

Just before aggrieved was taken again, he said the witness Aftenposten has been in contact with, have managed to get between some of the people on the platform who protected him. Persecutor run then further north from the station.

Police Hunt for Hauketo

Oslo police announced that they assisted the police in Oslo and that the hunt for two people on Hauketo after a detention in Østfold in the morning Monday. They were notified at 07 o’clock and ended a few hours later without arrests.

Stopped train traffic

On Østfoldbanen were trains from the south stopped on Hauketo and Holmlia in connection with the police action. Trains began to walk again at 09 o’clock.


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