Tuesday, August 9, 2016

No indictments in new Scandinavian Star investigation – Aftenposten

The second round of investigation of the fatal fire closed without indictments, newspaper VG, which has disclosed investigation material presented at a press conference Tuesday.

ferry Scandinavian Star has gone out on the route Oslo – Frederikshavn Friday 6 april 1990 . On the first trip, fire erupted. 159 people died, most were Norwegians.

The fire probably started at 2 am on Saturday 7th April. The first reports were that everyone was rescued. A few hours later it became clear that a large number of people had not come out. The ship was pulled to Lysekil in Sweden, where the dead were retrieved and identified.

It was found several deficiencies in the rescue equipment on board. The Norwegian captain and two Danish shipowners were put on trial and sentenced to short sentences.

A Danish truck driver who died in the fire, was designated as guilty of arson. A police report in 2014 stating that there were no grounds to appoint him as the perpetrator, even if there were grounds to suspect him.

In retrospect it reached new information and support group for survivors and relatives have demanded new investigation. Surveys show that there were several fires started in several different places in the ship, and at different times.

In 2014 it was decided to resume the investigation, to follow two main paths: the question of the fires were applied and the unsettled economic conditions around the ship.

In February 2016 claiming the former maritime inspector Flemming Thue Jensen that there were two of crew members who were behind the fire. Also previously have claimed this.

Tuesday August 8 adds Oslo police presented the results of the investigation which was resumed in 2014. According to VG beats police firm that there were several arsonists on board and no one is prosecuted for the second round of investigation.

Fire Surveyor NBL and Øystein Jæger Meland, who were also experts in 1990, believes that the fires after the first major fire was a result of fires and not new, arson fires.

So back they show that some of the crew stood behind several fires on the ship, as it was claimed that was part of an insurance scam. Pedersen and Meland now show that the first fire led to intense heat spread in the steel structure of the ship and ignited combustible materials and gases.

Lawyer Sigurd Klomsæt Stiftelsen New investigation of murder fire Scandinavian Star would not comment matter to the newspaper.

Two main tracks

it was found several deficiencies in the rescue equipment on board and the Norwegian captain and two Danish shipowners were put on trial and sentenced to short sentences after the fire. In retrospect, it was revealed new information and support group for survivors and relatives demanded new investigation, which it was decided to make in 2014. The investigation has followed two main paths: the question of the fires were applied and the unsettled economy conditions around the ship.

A Danish truck driver who died in the fire, was designated as guilty of arson. A police report from 2014 However, they concluded that there was no basis to appoint him as the perpetrator, even if there were grounds to suspect him.

Result submitted

Oslo police on Tuesday, the results of the investigation of the fire aboard the Scandinavian Star in 1990. the ferry was inserted on the route Oslo – Frederikshavn Friday 6 April 1990. on the first trip a fire broke out and 159 people were killed, most of them Norwegians.

the first reports were that everyone was rescued. A few hours later it became clear that a large number of people had not come out. The ship was pulled to Lysekil in Sweden, where the dead were retrieved and identified.

Politiken: – Danish authorities failed to share Scandinavian Star Details These are the new “Scandinavian Star” -Property 25 years ago “Scandinavian Star” -katastrofen


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