Thursday, August 11, 2016

Never police have seized more cannabis in Norway than so far this year –

(Dagbladet): Distributed on 6861 seizures have it during the first six months been seized 2534 kilograms of hashish, marijuana and cannabis plants in Norway.

It shows NCIS ‘drug statistics published today .

Never before in Norwegian history, it has been seized so much cannabis on a half, said Kari Frey Solvik, Head of the Criminal Police ‘section for drug analysis.

– it’s already this year been seized more cannabis than it was throughout 2015, she says to Dagbladet.

sECTIONS: Kari Frey Solvik, Head of the Criminal Police ‘section for drug analysis. View more

Increasing degree

The sky-high figure is partly due to several very large seizures. In March revealed publicans Svinesund 639 kg of hashish in a Spanish trailer, (the second largest seizure ever in Norway), and in April made declarations new large seizures at the border, when they uncovered 152 kilograms of hashish in a Spanish registered mobile home.

in addition to that amount seems to increase, also potency in the various cannabis products increased sharply in recent years, according Solvik.

BRACKET: The picture shows a that police seizures of MDMA crystals and pills. Photo: NCIS more

Ten years ago, the average THC content approximately five percent. Now a THC content of 15 percent is quite common in hashish, and a number of seizures have strength rate of over 25 percent, she said.

– Increased popularity

of cocaine, developments in the number of seizures and quantity indicate increased popularity, writes NCIS in its report.

– not since 2007 it seized larger amounts of cocaine during the first six months. Last year was the first year that cocaine seizures than heroin seizures and this has further entrenched this year, says Solvik.

Until July, seized 45.2 kg of cocaine distributed in 595 seizures in the country. The average potency of the drug has remained unchanged for many years – but like cannabis products suggests analyzes so far this year that the potency is slightly increasing.

cOCAINE: not since 2007 has there been seized large quantities of cocaine during the first six months. Last year was the first year that cocaine seizures than heroin seizures and this has further strengthened its position this year. Photo: NCIS more

LSD is another substance where the number of seizures provides NCIS is a signal that the drug is gaining popularity. Through the years there have been only 10 to 30 LSD seizures annually, before the 2012/2013 suddenly saw a huge increase in both the number of seizures and seized amount LSD. During the first six months it seized 5688 units LSD in Norway, distributed in 197 seizures.

MDMA: the use of MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy, seem to be growing, according NCIS ‘latest figures. In 2016, 16 per cent more seizures than last year. Photo: John T. Pedersen / Dagbladet more

Ordering MDMA online

The use of MDMA, which is the active ingredient in party drugged ecstasy, appears to be growing, according NCIS ‘latest figures. in 2016, 16 per cent more seizures than last year, according Solvik. Well 15,000 tablets and 3.1 kilograms of MDMA powder is seized so far this year, to a total 454 seizures.

– A number of these are mailing seized by customs after the drug is ordered over the internet, says Solvik.

Analysis of MDMA powder shows that this doped generally have a high degree of strength between 85 and 95 percent.

Less heroin

Overall, there has in recent years been a decline in the number of drug seizures first half of Norway, and when it comes to heroin, this is still the trend. Until July, seized 5.3 kg of heroin distributed in 462 seizures. Over the last 20 years, only twice previously seized as little heroin first half, according Solvik.

– There has also been a reduction of 21 percent in the number of seizures compared with last year she said.

– Maybe this means that there is less new recruitment to heroin environment, says Solvik.

According to the National Institute of alcohol and drugs (SIRUS) has in recent years seen a trend amphetamine has become more prevalent than heroin among the heaviest addicts.

According to figures from the NCIS, amphetamines are the most drug seized second-hyppigest in Norway (after cannabis). Until July, seized 226 kg of amphetamine / methamphetamine, distributed in 2820 seizures.

Warns new psychoactive drugs

new psychoactive substances (NPS) includes intoxicating substances in pure form or mixtures. Some are regulated as drugs in Norway, while others fall outside current rules.

– These are substances that are designed to be imitations of other traditional drugs, but which are often much stronger and more potent than the traditional substances, explains Solvik.

– Thus, not much to overdose. It can be talking about small quantities, she continues.

In his report writes NCIS that there is “every reason to be concerned about these drugs.”

Customs has also recently published its seizure figures for the first half of 2016.

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