Thursday, August 11, 2016

Located at about 1,200 meters altitude. – Aura Avisa

Located at about 1,200 meters altitude.

it is writing this at 21.15. The state shall provisionally be uncertain. Hårstad Ebba is 1,644 meters high.

An alpine rescue team will be transported into the rock fto get jumper out ..

Police reported at 20.16 on Thursday night that they had an ongoing rescue operations and search for a base jump that has jumped from Hårstad Ebba.

Police and helicopters entered the area.

According to the Rescue Coordination Centre in Southern Norway is the one two base jumpers who jumped.

The first person who jumped reported that he has not seen number two, said rescue leader Andreas Bull. Both jumpers must be foreigners.

If you have tips in connection with the case? Call 907 62 625 photos sent by SMS to the same number, or

Five years ago killed a base jumps from New Zealand after jumping from Hårstad Ebba. In 2002, lost a man from Molde life after base jumping in this mountain.


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