Monday, August 8, 2016

Kolberg requesting urgent meeting of Statkraft case – Dagsavisen


By Kristian Skårdalsmo


– I have proposed that the Committee could meet as soon as possible to discuss whether there are grounds to open the case when it comes Statkraft case, says Kolberg said.


Each chair says the most realistic is that SCSCA get to a meeting in the next 8-14 days. Formally half of the committee members be present at such a meeting.


The Control Committee has not its first regular meeting until after Parliament has been set at 30 September.


Justice Department concluded Friday with the Minister of Industry Monica Mæland (H) was disqualified in the appointment of former Minister of Culture Thorhild Widvey (H) as the new chairman of Statkraft.


Comment: Classic party appointment (Arne Strand)


New rounds


But Mæland must now still prepare for new rounds in Parliament. Also Hans Fredrik Grøvan (KrF) of the Control Committee will namely know the process that formed the basis for the appointment.


– I think it was very good that we got the impartiality review, and we note what it concluded. There was also a correct assessment of Mæland to publish text messages, says Grøvan said.


– What remains now is transparency in the process itself – what about the timing Widwey was informed about her candidacy, and if there has been a real process in advance of the appointment of her, he added.


Even before the weekend warned Kolberg that he will have answers to these questions. The result may be that Mæland receive a letter with specific questions from the committee and being asked to explain himself further.


Read also: Kolberg: – Still unresolved questions around Widwey-appointment


Grids on the head


Right shakes however at the head of the bogs of Labor.


– Mæland was competent and has chosen a chairman who manages our common wealth in a way that comes great community. It is the most important for Parliament. We can not spend our time all the conspiracy theories that are out there says Erik Skutle (H) of the Committee to NRK.


On Monday attack Kolberg once Mæland.


– These SMS messages documenting that there has been an agreement in advance, which is clearly contrary to the guidelines we have for so important posts, he told NRK.


Do justify replacing


Both Grøvan and Kolberg stressed that they did not question whether Widwey is fit Statkraft enlisted. She was on June 29 elected to take over as chairman after Olav Fjell, who had no desire to stop.


But Mæland must still explain himself further in Parliament about why she replaced Mountains.


– The reason for the shift, that have emerged in public, is that the minister has had the desire for a new profile. Can the Minister specify what is meant by new profile for Statkraft? asks the Centre Party Geir Pollestad in a written question.


Pollestad is the leader in Standing Committee on Business and Industry. (NTB)


Comment: Secrecy and blue partibok


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