Monday, August 8, 2016

Kolberg requesting urgent meeting for the Statkraft saka – Fjorda Bladet

– Eg has taken the initiative of the Committee may meet on as quickly as possible to discuss whether there are grounds for an opening case when the debt Statkraft saka, says Kolberg said.

Committee owner win the most realistic is that SCSCA get EiT meet dei next 8- 14 dagane. Formally half of the committee members be to increasingly on an such a meeting.

The Control Committee has not its first regular meeting until after Parliament is seen on September 30.

Justice Department concluded Friday with the Minister of Industry Monica Mæland (H) not was disqualified in Utnem Inga of previous Culture Minister Thorhild Widvey (H) as the new chairman of the board of Statkraft.

new round

But Mæland have no still prepare the on new rounds in Parliament. Also Hans Fredrik Grøvan (Christian Democrats) from the Control Committee will nemleg know what for a process which lay the basis for Utnem Inga.

– Eg synest it was very good that we fekk the impartiality assessment, and we note what it concluded. It was also ein proper assessment of Mæland to public Gjere SMS sense, victory Grøvan said.

– What’s att en, is access to self-process – that’s about discusses the EiT time Widwey diaper informed her candidacy, and if it has Vore ein real process before Utnem Inga of her leg he added.

Everything before the weekend the forecast Kolberg that he will have answers to these questions. The result may be that Mæland physicians are given a letter with specific questions from the Committee and will be the priority given to explain himself closer look.

Grids on head

Higher shakes nevertheless head of utspela from Labor.

– Mæland was competent and have chosen ein chairman of the board that administers our common wealth in a way that results large community. It is the most important for Parliament. We can not spend my time our all conspiracy theories as fine-there, victory Erik Skutle (H) of the Committee to NRK.

But Monday losing Kolberg put an extra gong to assaults on Mæland.

– These SMS eine documents that have Vore ein appointment in advance, and it is clearly seen in conflict with them our policy so important posts, he told NRK.

Will give reasons for change

Both Grøvan and Kolberg strokes under that they do not question whether Widwey is fit Statkraft enlisted. Ho diaper on June 29 elected to take over as chairman of the board after Olav Fjell, who not had anything desire to stop.

But Mæland must still explain more detailed in Parliament about why she shifted out Mountain.

– Grunngjevinga for the shift, which has come forward in public access to functionality, is that the minister has had desire ein new profile. Can the Minister specify what constitutes meint with new profile for Statkraft? asks the Centre Party Geir Pollestad EiT written questions.

Pollestad is the leader in commercial Committee in Parliament. (© NPK)


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