Monday, August 8, 2016

Hundreds demonstrated for women say straight enrollment in Laerdal – NRK

– It was rørande.

Geir Voldum are the scars after the demonstration outside of city hall in Laerdal. Total attendance 300 persons up. Dei was collected because they believe women do not have enough right enrollment when the debt valdtekt cases.

– It is difficult to find words, I am proud of what Andrea has achieved. It is completely overwhelming.

PROUD FATHER: Geir Voldum victory that he not had anticipated all interes around her daughter Andrea.

Photo: Sondre Dalaker / NRK

the daughter of Geir Voldum, Andrea Voldum from Laerdal, has been open whether valdtekt saka ho has Vore up in. It was Wednesday in previous wick that three men lasted acquitted valdtekt but sentenced to pay damages in the Court of Appeal. Saka has emphasized strong reactions across the whole country.

– Eg think little of intention is that other non shalt same situation that has Vore in. Eg thinks that here may be the start of something new both in judicial and otherwise, says father Geir Voldum.

Proud her daughter

He says that they do not had anticipated dei reaction that has come after just the matter was over but he is confident that her daughter cope discussion.

– Andrea set great store by it. She is proud and touched, but I do not believe she poured was aware of the extent då ho health services in gong it here. But she is a reflective and strong girl so it klara ho exceptionally well to stand in.

Naturally believes the danger that the case visar that there are deficiencies in the Norwegian legal system. In Court of Appeal Meinte three meddommarar that the three men had acquitted of valdtekta.

– When evidence is so difficult to understand for ein casual man, it should be something on that front, says Geir Voldum.

the local community will support Andrea

– Eg know who the girl is. Eg tykkjer what she has gone through is completely utrulig, and I have to support.

It tells Gerd Skull from Laerdal. Ho attended the demonstration because she would telling about herself are not satisfied with the system.

appeal : several spoke to promote say meaningfulness during the demonstration in Laerdal.

Photo: Jan Christian Jerving / NRK

– Eg support Andrea because she suppose to go out publicly with say matter, so that it becomes known how the system works today.

Paul Skull is Einig.

– As many have Vore inside the women are the weaker sex. It is not fair that girls are facing. Berre it that so many are asking up to stresses it all here følar, he says.

defense is uroa

The demonstration in Laerdal is only one font of several around the country. In total, several thousand persons demonstrated during monday. Arne Seland who defend the eine of the three men who nappy acquitted, says to NRK that demonstrations Monday makes him “very worried.”

– Dei bidreg only to ein even greater lynch mob. We need hugs that my client and the other two who were accused, all frikjende in two courts, says Seland.

He has no submitted its client abroad and advises him to stay verande there.


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