Thursday, August 11, 2016

Base Jumps located – can not retrieve the person down – Adresseavisen

The case is updated.

A base jumper was tonight reported missing after a jump north of Hårstad Ebba in Sunndal. It was initiated rescue mission, coordinated by the local rescue center in North og Romsdal.


– We do not want to go out with information about base jumper’s condition, says Torry Aakenes, operations manager at Nord og Romsdal police.

There was another base jumper who reported the person missing.

Aakenes says that base jumpers are foreign.

– The second base jumper is in good condition. He has been offered emergency assistance and has declined.

The jump from 1600 meters

Air ambulance localized base jumper at 21 o’clock tonight.

– The person is around 1250 meters altitude. We have an idea that jumped allegedly took place from a height of approximately 1,600 meters, informs Aakenes.

According to the Response Team on site, Olaf Gjovik at North og Romsdal Police located jumper on a small plateau within a gorges of the mountains.

Gurgaon says that air ambulance not dare move into the area. Sea King Ørlandet has transported an alpine rescue team to the area.

– Can last over the weekend

It’s been decided to postpone rescue attempt in anticipation of better weather and road conditions.

– It is very smooth and snowy terrain jumper located. The action depends on good weather and good lighting. Depending on conditions, this rescue operation last over the weekend.

Several fatal accidents

On Sunday died a base jump after jumping from Cat Hammaren in Eikesdal in Nesset municipality. Cat Hammaren Just an hour’s drive away Hårstad Ebba . Both places are popular targets for base jumpers.

According Romsdals Budstikke was the 30 year-old Gage Matthew Galle from the United States who died on Sunday.

There have also been several fatal accidents with base jumpers in Sunndal earlier. Five years ago died a 35 year old man from New Zealand after an unsuccessful jump from Hårstad Ebba. In 2007, died a man from Australia when he jumped off neighboring top Langrabbpiken, while 42 year old mold dispenser died after jumping from Hårstad Ebba in 2002.

READ ALSO: Base Hopper died


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