Monday, August 8, 2016

A group of scouts sent out distress call at Hardangerjøkulen – Bergens Tidende

A man and seven children to be in the group. They should be experienced hikers.

The clock 21.30 Monday evening shall JRCC (HRS) have received a distress call from Hardangerjøkulen. The message is sent out from an instrument called “spot” which is sent via a central United States. Around one o’clock on Monday night was a whole corps of rescuers on the way.

– We are talking about a man and seven youths aged 15 to 17 years – all from Germany, says Ståle Jamtli, rescue leader at HRS .

They will be located just southeast of Hardangerjøkulen, about ten kilometers from Finse.

– This is experienced hikers, but they have never been in Norway before, says Jamtli.

Both police, Red Cross and other volunteers are sent out to search for them, but both the power failure to the railway and bad weather will make it difficult.

Operations in Western Police District, Jan-Tore Heggholmen, said he is afraid that it will be nothing more than that they have only lost in the bad weather.

– We have sent people out, and they come from several directions. We know nothing other than that they have pressed a button that sends out distress call, he said.

Heggholmen’m not sure when rescuers locate the group.


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