Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Rassikrer county road 723 in Åfjord – Adresseavisen

In the state landslide prevention plan for the years 2016 – 2019 the road was ranked fifth in Central Norway.

It would take many years before the work of rassikre stretch of road could have been realized. Fosen Ways AS has initiated planning avalanche project county road 723 Paulen – Ryssdal.

county council and local politician Gunnar Singsaas (FRP) said county party has systematically worked on this issue for quite a while. It has been highlighted in several posts at the Congress in FRP. And the road was inspected by Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (FRP) last year.

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– We applied for advance payment of 240 million and would obviously have seen that we got even more money, but NOK 150 million is a lot, and a good beginning, says Singsaas.

Can save money

Deputy Chairman infrastructure Committee in Sør-Trøndelag county, Guro Angell Gimse (H), says that because of the synergies with Fosen Wind project assumed that the project can be somewhat cheaper than anticipated. – Should the Ministry justify facing the other four projects in Central Norway who was given higher priority, it must be shown to significant savings and synergies, says Angell Gimse.

Henrik Kierulf, group leader for the Conservative Party in South Trøndelag county and boasting of government, which he believes shows the ability and willingness to innovate in order to achieve the best possible benefits to society with scarce public funds. – The project involves various public budgets and various organisasjonsnviå, which has previously been shown not to be coordinated, says Kierulf.

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improved accessibility

Singsaas adding that both Statkraft and residents of Stokksund in Åfjord beneficiaries of road safety and maneuverability improves. Statkraft’s costs of implementing wind power development in Åfjord will be significantly reduced. Statkraft now need just one logistics point for landing, which added to Monstad. This can now operate Harbakfjellet, Kvendalsfjellet, Storheia and even parts of Roan. Supply Road to Kvendalsfjellet shortened by four km.

A tight turn at Lund Fjord be repaired, Lund Fjord bridge, improvements in crossing the county road 723 / County Road 32 and other minor remedial action at both county roads are all the result of advance appropriation of 150 million . Excavated soil from the tunnel works on road 723 will be used for access roads to the wind power plants.

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New roads and E6

Group Manager for FRP in Sør-Trøndelag county, Anita Gilde show that Trondelag has received two major projects on the E6 through the company New roads. The entry to the avalanche of county roads has increased by 20 percent, from 550 million in 2013 to 671 million this year. Gilde is delighted with the government’s investment in road construction.

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Singsaas says it is humbling that you actually have got to go cut at 150 million. One should not further than Roan to see next project with a desperate need for money to landslide. County road 14 is one example of a way that would also have had similar improvement, but to fight on the same framework. He encourages a bipartisan joint effort to improve the framework for avalanches county roads even higher in future budgets.

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