Saturday, July 9, 2016

Male (22) dead after work accident in Kristiansand Zoo – VG

According to police, a barbeque explosion have killed the 22 year old man.

The deceased is a Slovak seasonal workers, said Agder the police on Twitter.

22-year-old was first transported by ambulance to South Coast hospital, where he was to be transported by air ambulance to Ullevål.

the helicopter had however turn along the way, and the man later was pronounced dead at Arendal hospital.

– It is with great sorrow and sadness we received the message that one of our colleagues is dead, says CEO of the zoo, Per Arnstein Aamot.

Grill explosion

police opplsyser the cause of the accident should have been an explosion at a barbecue.

– it is clear that there has been an explosion, but the cause of it is unknown. The matter will be investigated further, says operations in Agder Police Martin Ugland VG.

Also Zoo director Aamot confirms that the accident occurred in connection with a gas grill one of the park’s eateries. Two additional employees were sent to the emergency room for the check, but escaped the accident with minor physical injuries.

Do you know anything about this case? Tell us here

& lt; p & gt; EXPLOSION: An explosion in a  grill should have & # xE5; caused the  accident, which should have happened just in n  & # xE6; vicinity of the entrance to Captain  Sabertooth world. & lt; / p & gt;

EXPLOSION: An explosion in a barbecue to have caused the accident, which allegedly took place just near the entrance to Captain Sabertooth world.

Photo: VG Tip

loud bang

a tipping VG has been in contact with stated that the early Saturday morning heard a loud bang from the zoo.

– We sat on Noah Ark hotel then we heard a loud bang, before we saw a lot of activity on the other side of the water, said the man who wishes to remain anonymous.

& lt; p & gt; COVERED: The accident should  have happened here in n & # xE6; vicinity of  Captain Sabertooth World. Ulykkesomr & # xE5;  it is n & # xE5; covered. & lt; / p & gt;

COVERED: The accident should have happened here, near Captain Sabertooth World. Accident area is now covered.

Photo: VG tipping

Per Arnstein Aamot, CEO of Zoo, said early Saturday that the accident must have happened near the entrance to Captain Sabertooth World, which is the pirate village in zoo .

– I’ve been told that it has been an accident in connection with the start of a barbecue place. I’m heading to the zoo now and know not yet what caused the accident, said Aamot VG.

The restricted area

Aamot did not know why it should have happened similar accidents in the zoo before, and informed that the relatives of the victim is notified.

the accident occurred before Dyreparkens regular opening hours, which is ten o’clock.

the area where the accident occurred was blocked off and covered with sail cloths.

as a result of the accident management decided zoo moderating the show that usually takes place during the day in Captain Sabertooth World.

– We do not play the greatest scenes in which now, since the area has been subject to an accident, but it is possible to meet the actors. Evening show running normally, said Aamot.


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