Tuesday, July 12, 2016

- Have never seen so large jellyfish – NRK

If so, then Anne Karin Svarstad and zone going down to the boathouse to retrieve something, fekk dei eye on something big and slippery as they not seen before.

– We are losing along the beach, and då we saw it . It was zone mine who saw it first, she says.

A bit surprised took dei picture of it and losing Furthermore on Hogssanden in Bremanger.

– Eg has not seen a so big jellyfish before, but I knew not that it was so sjeldant as I get the impression no, win Svarstad.

Over Raska researcher

Ho embarked image of kjempemaneta last night on Facebook, and ho fekk immediately unexpectedly good response. It lasted for one quarter clearly seen for Anne Karin Svarstad that the great Enema beachfront was EiT especially ones.

– So big jellyfish like it here have I never seen, says Jan Helge Fosså, who is researcher on Havforskinsinstituttet.

he says that he not be exercised quite sure if it’s a jellyfish, but it is the most likely case.

– Record jellyfish is the biggest maneta in the North Atlantic. It’s probably added a jellyfish that are about to go in resolution, and då just look really liked this out, says the researcher.

No jellyfish alarm

He can calm anxious swimmers with that it is not something that suggests that it is particularly many jellyfish in the lake this year.

it’s Anne Karin Svarstad happy, because she hopes to lip to meet on a giant jellyfish when she is out in the lake.

– This is not a phenomenon nice to hit at certain ein’re sym, she says.

But Svarstad has not got the fright of the first. She comes to bathe again after this.

– Yes, it’s very grope and nice sea in Bremanger, so it is not someone danger.


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