Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hareide grilled by his own: – “Gay” and “Jew” most common invective … – Dagbladet.no

Saron DAL (Dagbladet): Tuesday evening stood KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide on stage in the farthest regions Bible Belt, Saron Dals summer conference in Kvinesdal. Why?

disputed pARADE: Here goes KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide with his wife in Pride parade in Oslo. In the conservative voters to the party, it was very controversial. Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix more

He was “grilled” by their own faithful voters after he chose to attend the Pride Parade in Oslo.

Many KrF picker has resigned from the party after Hareide trudged through the streets of Oslo encircled by rainbow flags. Our Land reported that 83 people resigned from the party the day after the parade. Day reported that 4 out of 14 county leaders did not want him to join.

– Do not make me proud

– You have created a buzz because you participated in gay Pride parade. Why did you do it? asks pastor Sten Sørensen, who led the inquiry from the scene.

– I was in Orlando with my family just before the terrorist attack. When we get home, gets people killed. Only because they are gays and lesbians. It made quite an impression. Pride parade this year was strongly marked by tragedy. Then I knew it was right to show my support and solidarity. Not to get political support, but because everyone has the right not to be subjected to violence and discrimination, says Hareide from the stage to great applause from the audience.

– Gay parade is not the form of expression that makes me very proud. It is a piece of gay parade from what I’m used to at the chapel in Bømlo. But I think that’s good. By going there, so I showed the strongest support, said Hareide, who think it’s a shame he has to do this in 2016.

– Gays and lesbians in Norway experiencing hate crimes, and in schoolyard is “gay” and “Jew” most common invective. It is important to stand up against, said Hareide, and the audience responds with “Amen”.

aMEN: the attendants responded with an “amen” when Knut Arild Hareide said from the stage that it is important to stand up against hate crimes. Photo: Ådne Husby Sandnes / Dagbladet more

Before Hareide step up on stage, he told Dagbladet that too many of the gays environment is not so proud of the parade.

– I have experienced a lot of support and people who have disagreed with that I walked in the parade. The many promises forward, is that they feel that the parade has expressions that they do not like. And it goes on sexualization in the parade. It is part gays also that does not seem the parade is the proudest they have. However, by just going there, I showed a strong support for the Orlando tragedy, he told Dagbladet.

in-law called the first

– Was it VG, NRK or mother who called you only after you walked in the parade? Sørensen asks.

– It was my mother, but before that, called in-law. She said that “for it is so much weird today.” I understand the surprise that I attended. The parade is alien to me, but I experienced to participate as right, said Hareide.

– For many, this is difficult. Do you understand that many Christians are disappointed and believe that the Democratic Party has changed its course in such an important matter? Sørensen asks.

– For me it was important to show solidarity. It was not a political act. It was an act of solidarity, and I have no regrets, responding Hareide, who say that Christian Democrat view of marriage, women and men, are stuck.

– But we are politicians. There is something else to be a political leader, and a spiritual leader. We must create policies for all, believers and non-believers, said Hareide.

Elvis and bible

Kjell Elvis, or Kjell Henning Bjørnestad, met Hareide right before the party leader should onstage . He is local politics Party Christians. He was mayor of the party in Lyngdal, but did not enter the council.

He will basically not comment on what he calls “gay controversy” but venturing a little theological out anyway.

– Jesus condemns not, but he said ‘go away and do not sin more. ” Jesus says one should not condemn but to point them in the right direction. We shall be there and pull each other up and up, says Bjørnestad, which states that all people are of equal worth.

aN aLTERNATIVE: Kjell Elvis, or Kjell Henning Bjørnestad, says party The Christian is a good option for those who want clearer guidelines than among Christian Democrats. Photo: Ådne Husby Sandnes / Dagbladet more

He says that many Christians now find it difficult to rely on KrF, and that party The Christian can be a good choice for many.

– the Christians stand on biblical words. It is a safe haven for those who want clearer guidelines, as many have missed with KrF, for example in the gay debate, says Bjørnestad.

– A challenge for him

It was no wonder round from the public, but several people Dagbladet met outside, was excited at the forefront of how Hareide to defend itself.

– this is a challenge for him. It is difficult to defend against many of his voters. Many are asking themselves how he emphasizes what it says in the Bible about homosexuality, it actually says that it is a pity, says John Kleven (73) from Lyngdal, saying that as recently as yesterday, said one of his acquaintances that he had withdrawn of KrF, partly because of homoparden and Hareide’s participation.

– Kind of Southern Norway

Hareide looked for “grill inga,” which was of a lower temperature, pleased with the way he had defended himself on.

– They took me welcomed in a good way. Everyone here is probably not agree with me, but I think people felt that I answered honestly, said Hareide told Dagbladet.

– I must accept that people disagree with me. There were some critical questions, but in the south, one does not the most powerful words in use, said Hareide, like the rest of the week in Sharon Dal should concentrate on being a dad for Sara and Tord Olav.

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