Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Code allows guide dogs anyway – NRK

On Saturday, blind Eva Kirkevik visit the Museum of code along with son John (5) and a girlfriend, but was refused entry when she had with dogs.

Kirkevik went to the police and reported Code violations of discrimination and accessibility law.

The Foundation Stop Discrimination warned that they will complain code into the Equality and Anti if instructions were not changed by August 1.

Code had embedded in their that guide dogs were not welcome.

But now Code have turned the matter, according to BT.

Thinking of safety

– It has been an incredibly uncomfortable experience for our guests and a regrettable experience for us all, says Karin Hindsbo NRK.

the instructions are changed, and from now blind dogs welcome if they are accompanied by an employee at the museum.

SORRY DEEP: Director of code, Karin Hindsbo says all the code is very upset because some felt excluded and discriminated against by them in the weekend went on.

Photo: Dag Fosse

But change has Kirkevik to react again. She believes according to BT that it is insulting that she needs to be followed around by another adult.

Kirkevik gets support from her friend, Silvie Marie Risøy, who has been blind.

– Blind and visually impaired people are fully able to assess their own situation. There are offending others to consider or take care how and where she will be able to move around, says Silvie Marie Risøy to BT.

BLIND Eva Kirkevik were refusing to take leads his dog on Code of Bergen.

Photo: Private

the director denies that there is talk that guests with dogs will be followed around and passes on.

According Hindsbo it is about that they must have enough manpower to in charge of security.

– There is no question of supervision. But we are responsible for security at the museum while we are responsible for accessibility and dissemination. Therefore, this is about that we need to have enough manpower to handle all this, explains Hindsbo.

LEAD DOG : Qizzy can now visit the museum CODE.

Photo: Private

– Do you understand that they also experience the new rule as offensive?

– We are sorry they feel that way. There is no question of supervision. But we made a mistake and are very sorry. We do what we can to handle this in a proper and orderly manner.

Hindsbo say this is a temporary change, and at the first opportunity they will have a more thorough review, and make a permanent change .

She also hopes the affected guests wish to participate in the review.

The law is clearly

According to the Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act should all have equal access to social arenas.

– It takes very much to to refuse someone with a guide dog access, says manager Elisabeth Lier Haugseth the Equality and Anti-BT.

Lier Haugseth believes it is positive that the code goes through their routines.


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