Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Asks Minister Dale save strawberries crisis – Dagsavisen

By: Annika Bohnenblust / NTB


Oslo: The Center believes it is necessary with an extraordinary package of measures to strawberry farmers who received crop destroyed by fungus.


– Anyone engaged in manufacturing, know that conditions vary, but this year it’s quite extraordinary. Then we must be willing to consider extraordinary measures, says Geir Pollestad (Sp), who heads the nutrition committee of the Parliament, said.


According Bama has never before been so much damage to the berries as this year, and the Farmers’ Association and the Centre is now calling for compensation schemes to cover the loss. Previously there Compensation for berries affected by climate problems and frost.


– We expect the minister of agriculture makes its own assessment of this case and not just hiding away and pointing at Agriculture Directorate, says Pollestad.


In an email to Dagbladet Ministry wrote Friday that “crop failure as a result of illness etc. are not covered by the scheme. That’s Agriculture Directorate which manages the scheme. “


Pollestad believes that if there is political will, the regulations are sufficiently flexible that it should be possible to find a good solution.


Lost 95 percent


The first reports of trouble gråskimmelsopp came from farmers in Agder and Rogaland, where several farmers stated that they have lost over half of its production. In a message on Norwegian Bond Team website says Bama Rogaland that some producers have lost up to 95 percent of the crop.


– If this is because the plants have become resistant to the measures we have for combating fungi, it must also be inserted wager on research to find a solution to it, says Pollestad.


He believes it is important to take care of those producers who are, as it will be difficult to get new ones to start up again later.


National Tax


– We will have Norwegian strawberries in the future. Maybe it for the minister of agriculture and FRP is hip as happenning on the strawberries come from the Netherlands or Norway, but the Norwegian berries are a national treasure and we believe in the Centre that must be exploited, says Pollestad.


Gråskimmelsopp frames strawberry production every year, and the fungus thrives additional well under humid conditions. It is regarded as the most frequent cause of damage to strawberry crops, and may stain from rotten to fresh berries.


According to Agriculture Directorate varies greatly with the type of berries and geographical location where the disease affects the most. (© NTB)


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