Monday, April 18, 2016

Refuses gay organist to play in church: – We are clear on what we’re thinking about … –

(Dagbladet): Dagbladet last week informed that an organist from Lyngdal in Vest-Agder for many years had been refused to play in neighboring parishes in Eiken and Hægebostad. Reason: Because he lives in a homosexual lifestyle.

– It is not natural for us to use him, because he has chosen the way of living. Once he has chosen to live with another man in a cohabiting relationship, so is not it something that matches what we teach in our churches, says Pastor Bernt Rune Sandrib Dagbladet.

– The is painful to hear, says Rune Hauan, which is organist in kvas church but who are not allowed to play anymore Up in the valley as a substitute.


earlier in April opened Synod that gays can marry in church. But priests and church employees to refuse to consecrate gays, since there exist two equal liturgies.

Does conscientious objection that priests and clergy can opt against gays employees? For example organists? Here comes the Working Environment Act except in, where churches are allowed to discriminate.

– We have just chosen to do it this way because he is not employed by us. There may be a way to be clear on what we think of gay relationships, says the vicar, informing them that the church and Hauan has no agreements or commitments, and that the church has access other substitutes. When are the others primarily because Hauan is in a gay relationship.

– What do you think about that many would call this discrimination?

– No, I would not call it discrimination. It’s just a choice we make and that is that we choose the organists who we prefer to use. Where no one in any employment that can claim or have special expectations that one should get work somewhere, says Sandrib.

Unpleasant feeling

Rune Hauan (38) tip not Dagbladet, and want no conflict. He still thinks it hurts to hear what Sandrib says.

– I see that the church has an exemption from the Working Environment Act, so they have actually allowed to discriminate, but the feeling of being excluded is painful, says Hauan Dagbladet.

Hauan whole life been active in the church, and has for many years been an organist in Lyngdal church, especially in kvas church. When Sandrib substituting in Lyngdal, plays Hauan on tangents. But Rune will not work in the churches of Sandribs parish.

No formal decision

Sandrib told Dagbladet that he personally does not mind being a priest when Rune Hauan is organist. It is Eiken and Hægebostad parishes, where Sandrib is pastor, who has taken the decision that they do not choose Hauan as a substitute, because he lives in a homosexual lifestyle, says Sandrib.

It is not the church itself agrees.

Dagbladet has talked with the head of the parish council and the verger, who is the employer of the churches, stating that it is not made any formal decision on that Rune Hauan is refused to play the organ in church. Formally, the verger who have employer responsibility, not Sandrib.

– Any church teaches that one has conviction. This is the traditional belief that has always been the Church’s conviction, saying Sandrib questions about why Hauan is denied access to the keys.

Sandrib says he still holding worship services with Hauan organist, but when Lyngdal church and kvas. Still do not get Hauan come to Hægebostad or Eiken. He does not want to answer specific on what had been the answer if Hauan had submitted a formal job application.

Different vision

– Sandrib was nice and decent in the conversation back in 2008, but I did clear message that I could not be used as a substitute more in Hægebostad and Eiken because then I had moved in with another man, said Hauan, who simultaneously had a different experience in Lyngdal and kvas churches.

– At the same time I also had a chat with him who was then pastor in Lyngdal, and there I got the exact opposite message. They wanted me to continue, and the parish council in kvas wanted me to continue, says Hauan, who think it is very special that he is being refused to play the organ in a church because of sexual orientation.

– I do not know if this persists. I have more than enough work, so I do not have to play there. But it is said that pain to be banned.

– Discrimination

Gard Realf Sandakerveien-Nielsen, chairman of the Front national church, saying that they work for everyone to fit in the church. Also workplace.

– We work for all should be allowed to work in the Norwegian Church, regardless of whether they are gay, straight, lesbian, bi or trans. We wish that the Norwegian Church, congregations and Joint Council shall cease to discriminate, for this is the discriminating, says Sandakerveien-Nielsen.

He informs that the Oslo diocesan council, where he is head , made a decision for a month back that means that now must treat all employees and prospective employees.

Over 20 resignations

Carl Magnus Salvesen, churchwarden in both Lyngdal joint parish councils and Eiken and Hægebostad Joint Parish Council, said that the parties now need time to talk together.

– I do not have a decision from Hægebostad joint parish councils that binds me to do this or that. I have followed up the permanent temp that was available when I started in the job in 2010, says Salvesen.

He said that developments in the Norwegian Church creates discord and uncertainty. He has received over 20 resignations since Tuesday last week, after the decision of two liturgies were adopted Synod.

– Conflicting ruleset

– We probably need time both as parish councils and staff to find out how two views simultaneously cancel each other can work together in a local church. I do not think has been going well enough through both of Bishops and Synod. I hope the bishops will spend time on this now, says Salvesen.

He describes the situation the church stands as follows:

– It will be like playing football with two sets of rules on the same football field .


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