Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Police without computer systems for eleven hours – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Police computer systems across the country have been completely out of operation for eleven hours, last night and tonight, reports NRK. First just before 7 o’clock today, most of the systems in operation again.

The police were not applied in their records, they did not check people against any history and it also led to that they could not see how police ity service cars were.

– It’s not good, certainly not great, admits Asbjørn Rønnestad, which is section head of the Section for ICT service management in the Police Directorate, told NRK.

According Rønnestad caused problems a technical problem in the central network equipment.

Police across the country have had to keep a log with pen and paper, while they have crossed my fingers that something serious should not happen.

– I think it’s amazing that it happens, and I think it’s amazing that we’re so vulnerable, said operations manager Ole Tom Nord at the Western Police District told NRK.

the time 07 Tuesday morning was 95 percent of the systems up and running.


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