Tuesday, March 15, 2016

- There is an unemployment crisis – Dagsavisen

In yesterday Dagsavisen rejected work Anniken Hauglie that there is a vacancy crisis in the country. Other parts of the country than southwest country and other sectors than oil and gas industry, is doing well. Here are jobs available and a craving for creating new jobs, underlines Hauglie-.


– In 2016 we will have the highest number of unemployed persons in Norway ever. Clearly there is an unemployment crisis, match Labour’s deputy Trond Giske.


– Government loser


So how can it be that the Conservatives and Labor is completely disagree on whether the growing unemployment is a crisis for Norway? Giske thinks the answer is that parties look differently at what unemployment is.


– anniken hauglie goes a long way to say that unemployment is an instrument of economic policy. That unemployment will contribute to restructuring, the greater the unemployment, the greater the realignment. But restructuring is not that people are unemployed, it’s about people coming into the new job. When 130,000 are unemployed speak for themselves: The government loses fight against unemployment, says Giske.


“Thinking creatively” Hauglie- emphasizes that a vacancy is not necessary for faster restructuring, but acknowledges that one gets a push for change when the butter.


“Recessions forces us to think creatively,” says Hauglie- Dagsavisen. It likes Giske bad.


– While Furuhaugli look at unemployment as an inspiration to get creative, we look at it as a social problem and waste. It is an expensive and stupid tool for change. When many’re unemployed implies that lost value. Available at greater risk of falling completely out of the workplace and are twice as likely to be permanent disability benefits. Unemployment will not trigger creativity and new technology is developed in existing companies with active people in work, Giske said.


LO leader Gerd Kristiansen votes in.


– One may suspect that the government speculates high unemployment. It is not okay for us and it is not okay for single people in question, says Kristiansen.


– But that Hauglie- point to go the parts of the country well and here is the job to get.


– The Government may well hide behind the argument, but in September last year was seven counties hit by unemployment. In January hit the 11th This spreads. That government can not acknowledge that there is a crisis, is just silly. Conservatives have a different understanding of what it means to build a safe and good working life and business in our country. Right believes the market will get raw and adopt a wait and see attitude. We are also concerned with the market, but it must be controlled, she said.


360,000 more jobs


Hauglie- think it was Labour who slept an hour when they were in power. They wasted the good years and did not set necessary restructuring. It is this current government now must accept the consequences.


– I’m not sure what she means by this. Should Labor have ruled so companies took down activity on the shelf that we should adapt ourselves? Had however Ap been in power now, they had doubled the funding for measures since, says Kristiansen.


– We created 360,000 more jobs in our period, where two thirds parts of the private sector. The government’s means of combating unemployment tax cuts of 20 billion. In the interview with Dagsavisen no mention Hauglie- tax cuts with a word – she obviously has even lost faith in that it works, answer Giske.




layoff: While active aloud, ask LO Hauglie- know Norwegian working well enough.

 In yesterday’s interview in Dagsavisen rejects Hauglie- that she will expand the current layoff rules, such LO and NHO requires. It meetings applause from Real.

 - Hauglie- exhibiting a bold leadership. Now take the government seriously that what we are now experiencing, is not a short-term crisis, but restructuring. In such a situation it is quite wrong to extend layoff period. That Hauglie- take action and say no, pointing out that there are job opportunities elsewhere in the country, I am glad to see, says Vibeke Madsen active.

 - Why is it so important not to extend the rules?

 - It is an instrument when crises we know will pass. But all agree that we should not return to the current normal. Instead of letting employees sit to wait, that’s the worst that can happen, it is important to motivate them to take a job where there is work, says Madsen.


 - Towing not add


– When I see that Hauglie- cites that she must listen to Spectrum and active and YS, I think that God better me, she does not know much about representativeness. It is we and NHO that have members in the companies that are affected. When you can not choose to listen to the businesses that might get skilled labor – you must listen to the industry that is actually the frame, says LO leader Gerd Kristiansen.

 LO and Norwegian Industry has long asked that the current regulations be extended from 30 weeks to 52 weeks.

 - We are not looking to shut that those made redundant go to other jobs, but when a company lays off employees rather than terminate it because they see the light in the tunnel and will retain their competence, she said.


 Tomorrow’s jobs


Madsen Real believes LO must open island

 - It is true that they organize members who are affected, but it is we who organize the jobs that are here today and who have the qualifications needed. It is also we who organize tomorrow’s jobs that have a need for labor to come. LO speak for her sick mother here, and will not realize that the changes we are seeing are here to stay, says Madsen.



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