Sunday, March 13, 2016

Anundsen criticized for security advertising – VG

Justice and Public Security Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) is criticized for lining up in an advertising supplement on national security.

 & lt; p & gt; AD: Here are popping justice  minister in innholdsmarkedsf & # xF8; call on  social security . & lt; / p & gt;

AD: Here are popping justice minister in content marketing on social security.

in Saturday’s edition of Aftenposten figures justice and readiness Minister Anders Anundsen in a full-page ad titled “Resilience”.

Your ad promises that in Sunday’s edition will be a separate inserts where we will have read about the minister’s thoughts on security and ICT security in Norwegian society, and is organized by content marketing agency Media Planet.

the printing of the document have been suspended because one of the advertisers had used the Red Cross logo without permission. According MediaPlanet reckon they get it in print by Wednesday next week.

– Without journalistic filter

Gunnar Bodahl-Johansen, expert on press ethics, believes that it is problematic that the Minister helps in advertising.

He believes the minister is helping to lure people into a universe which is thought journalistically motivated, but which in reality is about a bought and paid product.

– There is trickery by which I mean both he and the media should stay for good for. In particular ministers have a responsibility to avoid such scams, and I put large question it, he said.

Bodahl-Johansen believes it is obvious that the minister will take the floor without objection.

& lt; p & gt; PRESS ETHICS NESTOR: Gunnar  Bodahl-Johansen at the Department of journalism. &  lt; br / & gt; & lt; / p & gt;

PRESS ETHICS NESTOR: Gunnar Bodahl-Johansen at the Department of Journalism.

Photo: . VG

– The journalistic filter which is essential for public debate is removed. Anundsen has previously sent message where he could tell his story without this filter, and this is the extension of that, he says.

Anundsen: – Natural accepting

Anundsen says he knew he would be used in an ad for the voucher.

– had I been asked about this, I had most likely declined he writes in a comment conveyed by communications consultant Tonje Thu Gard.

at the same time he rejects criticism from Bodahl-Johansen.

– Civil Protection and emergency is one of government priority areas. So it was natural for me to accept to contribute an article in Aftenposten vouchers which should be about just civil protection.

– The criticism from Gunnar Bodahl-Johansen I take so calmly. I think it appears quite unfair to criticize a minister to help focus on their own areas. This is not advertising, but an article that could be printed in any context, says Anundsen.

On the website of the journal,, located three posts signed Anders Anundsen.

Stavrum: – Deep skepticism towards the free media

the ad comes a day after the justice minister announced his desire for police opportunity to use hiding methods and monitoring in their work.

– Now we are in the time where monitoring is in focus, and that’s a strange coincidence that Anundsen becomes a draw in such inserts only a few days after he has put forward new surveillance measures Norway, believes Secretary General of the Norwegian Press Association, Kjersti Loken Stavrum.

RESPONDING: Secretary General of the Norwegian Press Association, Kjersti Loken Stavrum.

Photo: Vidar Ruud NTB scanpix

boast video criticized : – This is propaganda

last fall Anundsen sharp criticism when he launched he praised video that explores what measures his ministry had conducted since they took power venue.

– What are your thoughts on that minister again uses one-way communication in the dissemination of their message?

– it is well known that Anundsen nourish a deep skepticism towards the free media, he has paid a lot to make a video about earlier. That he now wants to expose themselves via content marketing is well in line with the mean Loken Stavrum.

Read also : Here is Anundsen praised film -regning to taxpayers

She adds:

– In a society with established press freedom bravely done far nice if we had a Minister of Justice who so clearly recognized the value of a free press.

– No wonder at all

Sebastian Keta, managing director of Media Planet, told VG that Anundsen was asked to help in the campaign because they believe he has a central role.

Keta reports that the Justice Department has not paid for ure in plugin and will not comment on whether Anundsen or the Ministry of Justice was asked if it was okay to use the image of the minister in ad Aftenposten.

– we stock a lot of campaigns, and it is very common that we use ministers in our campaigns. I do not think it’s funny at all.


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