Sunday, August 2, 2015

Male (93) missed in Gjerstad – Telemarksavisa

Large forces are searching for 93-year-old from Gjerstad, who are missing after a berry-picking.

It was at 8:17 p.m. Saturday night that Operations College police, Eyvind Formo, said that they are looking for a 93 year old man in Mesel in Gjerstad, not far from the county border to Telemark.

The man has probably dark clothing, gray hair and beard, writing police.

– We are looking for an older man who is 93 years old. He was here we are now about eleven o’clock today, where he chatted with some acquaintances of his. He told me he was going on berry-picking a little further down the road, telling police efforts manager on site, Kurt Wolf, Aust-Agder Blad Saturday night.

Found sack

When he had been gone in a few hours, selected local looking for him.

– Approximately half past four there was some local who went to find him, but then he was gone. They found a ski tour and his car, but the man is gone. We’re in the most appropriate area around the car, with the Red Cross, dog patrols, police and civilians.

– How many acres are we talking about?

– Basically there should be a hundred meters from the car and into a field where he used to pick berries. Now we’ve been there, and where he is not. The forests in Gjerstad large, so then must begin to expand the search area.

Searching by helicopter

We have several resources on the way, and the police helicopter comes every moment and the air ambulance has also expressed their willingness to assist, stated wolf when Aust-Agder Blad spoke with him just before at 21:30.

– The fact that the bag is found. Do yourselves you some thoughts about it?

– No, nothing more than that we know he is there. We do not so much time and resources into just that, says Wolf.

Civil Defence is also engaged in the search of the man.

Searching at night

Operations Ole Bjorn Kleivane informs Aust-Agder Blad just after 1:30 o’clock that they will continue the search for 93-year-old into the night.

– But in a slightly smaller scale. It’s a bit difficult terrain that make query challenging in the dark, but we’re going to search into the night, says Kleivane.

The man is not found during the night, and the search is trapppet up again Sunday morning.


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