Sunday, August 2, 2015

93-year-old still gone for berry-picking in Aust-Agder. The car and the bag is found –

A 93 year-old man is missing after he went out to pick berries in Gjerstad in Aust-Agder. Exploration crews have searched for the man since Saturday night without result.

– Your have been somewhat stepped down last night, but we’ve had people out in the terrain. So far, no exploration work yielded any results, says operations manager Ole Bjorn Kleivane Agder police.

Red Cross, Norwegian rescue dogs and Civil Defence assists the police in the search. The man has gray hair and beard and probably dark clothing.

– We’ll start again in earnest in the morning, tell Operations Officer.

The police started searching operation at 20 o’clock Saturday night. When he had been away a few hours.

According to Aust Agder Blad is both car and ski tour to the man found.



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