Saturday, June 20, 2015

Will close the center for regular cars – NRK

Oslo City Council on Thursday approved the climate plan that involves major changes for the people of Oslo a few years. In August laid Bergen’s climate plan for consultation. Also it will include a number of traffic and emission reduction measures.

IS FOR RELEASE OF FREE ZONES: Commissioner Henning Warloe (H) in Bergen wants to explore the possibilities for this in downtown

Photo: Christian Kråkenes

– We’re investigating differentiation of tolls and introducing congestion charging from 1 January. We also want to try out zero-emission zones in parts of the city center, where only emission-free cars from entering, says councilor for urban development, climate and environmental Bergen, Henning Warloe (H) to Dagens Næringsliv.

In time within two years

In Oslo it may be necessary to shut off the entire area within Ring 2 for petrol and diesel vehicles.

IN PLACE WITHIN TWO YEAR: Commissioner Kathy Melby (V) in Oslo mean low emission zones can be realized in a short period of time.

Photo: Dang Trinh / NRK

– Downtown is a very relevant zone. Both because we have major problems with air pollution, while there are many people who stay here, and because you are the center has the most appropriate option for transport, said transport and environment councils in Oslo, Guri Melby (V).

Dagens Næringsliv writes today that she wants to introduce the first pilot projects within two years.

– The ambition must be to put in place the first low emission zone 2017-2018.

Act running chargeable

At the same time it may become possible for ordinary vehicles to drive in the low emission zone, but it will cost meat.

CRITICAL: Carl I. Hagen (FRP) believe the proposal will win a majority, but even strongly opposed.

Photo: Larsen, Håkon Mosvold / NTB scanpix

– One can imagine that you have to pay a proper fee. So if someone absolutely must travel with the car, then they can be allowed. Such strict charges may also come to apply to the business world. Vans and taxi industry is a separate challenge, says Melby.

– Climate Madman Inger

The Progress Party’s top candidate in Oslo, Carl I. Hagen is skeptical about the proposal, but believe the proposal will win a majority in the city council when the matter shall be dealt with in the fall.

– The city council is climate crazies. I am not among them. Low emission zones in which petrol and diesel cars is one of the instruments I am totally against. The type of coercion is not I.


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