Saturday, June 20, 2015

Petrol and diesel cars could be banned in Oslo and Bergen – HegnarOnline

Oslo City Council on Thursday approved one climate plan that involves major changes for the population of the capital in a few years, writes Dagens Næringsliv.m

In the strategic plan is namely the city council in the use of low- or zero-emission zones in the city, where diesel and gasoline vehicles do not get let in. It may be necessary to cordon off the entire area within Ring 2, said transport and environment commissioner Kathy Melby (V).

She wants to introduce a pilot project within two years. City council leader Stian Berger Røsland (H) says the city council shall determine whether it then becomes permanent zones.

wheel driven diesel cars can run within the zones, against payment, is proposed.

– You can imagine that you have to pay a sizeable fee, says Melby.

City councilor for urban development, climate and environment in Bergen, Henning Warloe (H), is also ready to shut off parts of downtown. In August adds Bergen municipality out its climate plan for consultation, and where it is proposed to test the zero-emission zones in the city.

Progress first candidate in Oslo, Carl I. Hagen, call council climate crazies. He must admit that matter surely is voted through, but even he is very skeptical.

– If the goal is the limitation of CO2, so I say no automatically. For me, not CO2 on climate to do. If the purpose is better city air I am willing to consider it, but at what cost to reduce how much? We must be realists, says Hagen. (© NTB)


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