Saturday, June 20, 2015

Doctor suspected of sexual abuse at Bergen casualty clinic – Aftenposten

– The doctor is suspended from guards at Bergen casualty clinic while the investigation is ongoing, said Brita Øygard, chief municipal officer of Bergen to Bergens Tidende.

She confirmed that police have started investigation of a doctor at the emergency ward of Bergen. He is charged with having misused his position to acquire sexual intercourse with three women while he was at work at the emergency room.


There were reviews of several of the women who should have led to the doctor was suspected. The abuse allegedly took place in 2015. After that BT know the physician should be questioned, but he has not been detained.

– We are familiar with the case and looking seriously at this if it votes. Now it is important to clarify what has happened here, but we await the police investigation, said Øygard.

Police in Oslo would not comment on the matter. The man should not have admitted guilt.


Also Fylkeslegen in Hordaland has opened a supervision against the doctor. Probably this matter will be forwarded to the Board of Health for consideration there.

– It is important that people should feel safe when they come to the emergency room in Bergen. Now, we hope that this matter will be resolved quickly, says Øygard.

Published: 20.jun. 2015 10:43 p.m.


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