Saturday, May 2, 2015

Several arrested after mass brawl in Drammen – NRK

The police was notified of his fight with 15-20 people involved just after midnight on Saturday. The men were fighting with each other and doormen from several of the city’s nightlife.

– All available police patrols were sent to the site, said operations manager Trond-Egil Groth in Southern Buskerud Police District.

Several suffered injuries in the fight, but it will not be serious. According to police belong to several of the men the same company.

The dispute erupted when the men were thrown out of a nightclub in Bragernes square because they were too drunk.

– The men were thrown out and denied access to several of the city’s nightlife. The atmosphere was testy, says Groth.

Police arrested a total of three people. One of them will be reviewed for violence against a doorman, while all are reviewed for public nuisance.

Seven more people are reviewed for failure to comply with police orders. They were told to leave the city, but appeared at an eatery in Drammen later at night, according to Operations Officer.


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