Saturday, March 21, 2015

Grief reactions may be valid reason for sickness benefits – Aftenposten

– I and Labour and Social Affairs is now in dialogue with the Medical Association to find out how we can find a good delineation of such a system. We do not know how far ahead this is, but we are considering whether to introduce, says Eriksson TV 2.

Grief Reactions currently provides no valid reason to get sick pay. Therefore many sick leave on other grounds.

Eriksson believes it is problematic that many receive psychiatric diagnoses when they undergo serious grief.

– The advantage of a grief message is that those who need sick leave from work avoids the burden it can be to get a psychiatric diagnosis. In addition, the possibility of an own grief classifieds in sick leave form give us valuable information to follow up those who need help to cope with grief. Then we will arrive earlier in time with proper monitoring, says Eriksson.


Head of the Public Medical Association Kari Sollien told TV 2 that the issue of sorrow shall be valid reason for absence is very challenging.

– We have asked the ministry for a thorough investigation, and at a meeting a few weeks ago promised ministry that they should grasp this, says Sollien.

SV positive

SV parliament Karin Andersen believes it is positive if it comes into place an opportunity for sick leave in connection with strong grief reactions.

– It is a perfectly natural thing to get deep grief or be knocked out of a crisis in their life, and then you most need a timeout. Must be at work and pull himself together, there is no room for natural human reactions, and then can be really sick long, writes Andersen in an email said. (© NTB)

Published: 21.Mar. 2015 24:37


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