Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Police about Krekar: – He is no threat to the local environment – VG

Police about Krekar: – He is no threat to the local environment – VG

Police in South Trøndelag will not increase staffing in the municipality Mullah Krekar moved. Thus, certain evenings be up to 1.5 hour response time.

Hemne and Snillfjord sheriff’s office, which is responsible for Kyrksæterøra, there Mullah Krekar will is forced, has a 24 hour guard cooperation with adjacent sheriff offices in the police district.

Evenings and weekends with the lowest staffing is only one patrol of six municipalities and one response time of up to 1.5 hours.

 & lt; p & gt; lasted Itj CCR & # xC6; MT: Police in S & # XF8; r-Tr & # XF8; ndelag, Nils Kristian Moe & lt; br / & gt; & lt; / p & gt;

lasted Itj SKRÆMT: Police in Oslo, Nils Kristian Moe

Photo: Øyvind Nordahl Næss , VG

– Our starting point is that preparedness is not increased, and that the security risk is unchanged that Mullah Krekar move for Names, says police chief in Sor-Trondelag Nils Kristian Moe VG.

– We believe the current readiness is good enough to ensure the safety of locals, residents at the reception center and Krekar himself. There is a difference to pose a danger to national security and to be a danger to them in proximity. As estimated he no threat to the local environment, continues Moe.

Notified last week

Moe will not pinpoint response time, but says it will vary depending on where police patrols are and road conditions. Nearest police are on Orkanger six mil away.

– We can in some situations send patrols of the entire district if necessary. Such safety assessment we take consecutively.

– Do you collaborate with PST in the assessment?

– We rely on all available information.

– When were you notified that Mullah Krekar moved to your community?

– In last week. I was good enough and timely informed.

Sheriff Anette Ertvaag in Hemne and Snillfjord told VG that she did not envisage any problems with that staffing is not increased.

– Same staff, same readiness, and we see no need to change it. There should not be any problem for us to handle this with the resources we have today, says Ertvaag.

Must enroll

Mullah Krekar According Government Decision enroll at the local sheriff’s office three days a week.

– This is we used to dealing with. We have four employees in the office and it notification is a common arrangement that we have experience with, say Ertvaag.

Krekar defense lawyer Brynjar Meling says there is no basis for saying that the mullah’s a threat to the society he lives in.

– It is not a defense lawyer undertaking to make safety assessments, but the fact is that Krekar is sentenced custody, and is therefore not to be regarded as a dangerous felon that the general public must be protected against. He has never been charged with being a public danger. He is acquitted of inciting terrorist. He is convicted of threats, ie utterances, not violence, says Meling.

Reception quiet

CEO Tor Brekke Hero the nation’s largest operator of the asylum, is not worried that the 58 year old will be staying at one of their reception.

– Gain is used to getting people with different kinds of stories behind , both convicts and people who have been at war. We look really very little drama around Mullah Krekar. He represents a very small issue that we take very great tranquility, says Brekke.

Herbjørn Jenssen, head of the earl reception center, confirms that Mullah Krekar will be treated as all other asylum seekers.

– We follow the same routines as we always do and do not need to change anything. There will not be any problem to handle him, he said.


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