Friday, January 2, 2015

Looking for disappeared at age 18 – Aftenposten

Looking for disappeared at age 18 – Aftenposten

On Thursday morning police received notification that a car had run off the road on Ekerhovd Sotra.

– Shortly thereafter we received message that even a car had run off the road at the same place. When the patrol arrived at the place had both drivers stung by, said operations manager Hans Eirik Thue at Hordaland Police to BT Thursday morning.

Extensive Exploration action

They got hold of one driver, a 17 year old boy, and after a blood reviewed he drink driving.

– He volunteered to the police clock 13.45 the same day as the traffic accident, says Operations Preben Wallestad at Hordaland police force Friday morning.

But the other driver, a 18 year old man, is still not found. Yesterday evening was initiated a large search party for the man. Over 50 people from the police, Red Cross and civil defense participating in the search, which also Norwegian Rescue Dogs are with.

According to a press release from Hordaland civil defense department assists those with 20 people, while Norwegian rescue dogs sent six carriages.

Getting assistance from volunteers

– We have searched throughout the night by boat or dog without results. Rescuers have also gone man farm north of Tyssøy and islets between BJORØY and Liaskjæret been investigated. Spores from the accident went down to a boathouse and we have also sought with sonar and made pinpointing here says Wallestad.

Also, several boats participating in the search, and it crawlable shoreline and islands and islets between Li and Bjorøy.

– The clock 08.00 will be initiated pinpointing the terrain where the accident occurred. It’s called several volunteers from Norwegian People’s Aid, Red Cross and civil defense. In addition, it requested two dog carriages from Norwegian Rescue Dogs. Probably there will also be inserted into police dogs in the search.

Do not talk

Police was notified of the accident at 0600 Thursday morning. About also the missing driver may have been affected by alcohol, police know not yet.

– It may be he does not want to talk to either ourselves or others. But as long as we can not contact, we must continue to look, said operations manager Bjarte Rebnord late Thursday night.

Published: 02.jan. 2015 9:28


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