Thursday, January 22, 2015

Krekar 1-2-3: This determines whether he harbors in Trøndelag –

Krekar 1-2-3: This determines whether he harbors in Trøndelag –

(Dagbladet): For twelve years, three different governments tried to get Mullah Krekar out of the country. But ooh, so it was on the country.

Or no, wait, now it is not certain that either. Where will the threat sentenced mullah really end up?

These are the questions that will determine Krekar case.

When will Krekar to Trondelag?

plan has been transferring Krekar to Trondheim prison before the weekend, then to Kyrksæterøra Hemne municipality on Sunday.

Now he Kongsvinger prison but the mullah can thus arrive trønder capital the next few days.

But he finds himself on Kyrksæterøra?

Oslo police has decided that Krekar will is forced to Kyrksæterøra and that he did not get leave municipality.

This has created an outcry among many a law professor.

– The more I work with police decisions, the weaker states, says His lawyer Brynjar Meling told Dagbladet.

He now sits and works with a complaint of police decisions.

– We look at the arguments that go on the material conditions (which facts that must be present for the paragraphs should be able to occur editor.), In addition to that we have uncovered a number of procedural errors which we believe will affect the outcome, says Meling.

He will thus now try validity of the decision of the court.

But police can send him there?

That is the question. Police has an instruction from Justice Minister Anders Anundsen that persons Krekar should be required a specific whereabouts and notification – until they can be sent out of the country.

But where should they be placed? Kyrksæterøra came surprisingly at most.

The appeal will show if the police have a good enough reason, or proportionate reason, to send him. So if there is a reasonable burden to Krekar is forced, assessed against the police want to achieve by sending him there.

Will shifted risk?

Krekar can request that evictions are exposed whilst they are waiting for the appeal is being considered. Meling can either go through the court or magistrate to get such a provisional decision (injunction).

– We will go in to move postponed, says Meling Dagbladet.

If they it through, so the police can not forcibly move Krekar before obtaining their complaint dealt with.

How released he out Sunday?

Krekar being released on Sunday. If his lawyer gets forcibly shifted exposed, so he can go home to your family.

– They have no authority to keep him imprisoned. Then he will go home to the family, says Meling Dagbladet.

But here too there is a but. It depends where the police do that Krekar should have notification.

– Should they place him at another reception, so they must have a new resolution, said Meling.

When will appeal heard?

It depends on when Meling deliver it. But Krekar should therefore be released Sunday.

– It will be treated when I’m done with it, says Meling Dagbladet.

Other juseksperter have previously speculated that the matter may be present in the court system for years.

– No, I think not. It is a quick system that will treat this here.

But it does not end there …

So, when all that is settled and Krekar is resident on Kyrksæterøra, with family or wherever it is, so come next fight: Is he a danger to national security? It meant UDI when the first expulsion decision on Krekar came in 2003 (upheld by the Supreme Court in 2007). The question is whether it holds today.

Krekar has previously said he will try to get the expulsion decision reversed.

– We must see the little, everything Meling would say about the matter today.

And there the battle of Krekar.


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