Saturday, December 6, 2014

Rather than FRP Labor for Left –

Rather than FRP Labor for Left –

Friday agreement while remaining asylum children had never been entered into with the Labor government, she argues.

– We negotiated for twelve hours and got something now that Labor would never have agreed. The country now has a more liberal Justice than when Paul Lønseth managed regulations, said Grande when she spoke to the national executive of the Liberal Party at a hotel in Holmenkollen Saturday.

– Huge victory

Lønseth was Undersecretary for Labor Ministry of Justice in the previous period. He was known to follow the many experienced as a hard line in asylum issues.

– We have seen how SV fought with Labor for asylum children – without getting into goals. And we remember how we summed Aps policy with the phrase “all going out.” Now the rules changed so that children’s needs should be given greater weight, said Grande to great applause from the delegates.

She described the agreement as a major victory for the Liberals, also when it comes to point to evaluate the regulation on one years.

– All agree that it should provide a lessening. If the new rules follow a real liberalization, so the rules reassessed Solli.

Cool to Labor flirtation

Grande came with several kicks to Labor in the speech. Not least, she found reason to point out that the bourgeois budget compromise had room for more quota refugees than Aps alternative budget originally envisaged.

And the statement from the coalition that the Liberal Party and the Christian Democratic Party had gotten more out of a budget cooperation with them, scoffs she.

– We got more on climate and the environment than coalition managed in eight years. The same applies to the fight against child poverty, she said.

That there are concurrent initiatives and priorities in the center parties and the coalition alternative budgets, is only half the story, says Grande.

– We look differently on the major challenges. They will tax the businesses and residents harder, increase our dependence on oil and has not a hint of necessary restructuring budgets. There is no commitment to innovation and knowledge. We are simply on two different planets in that area, she said.

New Process

About Liberal leader is satisfied with the outcome of budget negotiations, she is clear that the process must become a another next year.

– We need to be involved earlier in some fields that are difficult. Car taxes are one such example. The issue has great symbolic power and created unnecessary noise, she said.

– But we will continue to present alternative budgets and will not be liable for the totality of the Government’s proposals, she emphasizes.

The allegations that it was a chaotic process, she rejects.

– Some talk about this as a game and civil chaos. It irritates me boundless. We are talking about real negotiations and real decisions that affect real people, she says.



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