Monday, November 17, 2014

TV 2: Veronica died probably due to drowning – Aftenposten

TV 2: Veronica died probably due to drowning – Aftenposten

22-year-old was found dead in the pebbles in Barsnes Fjord to Sogndal Friday and identified two days later. When she was found she had been gone for almost three weeks.

The forensic investigation shows that the body shows signs of having been long in the water. She was fully clothed when she was found. After that TV 2 experience, the preliminary forensic report concluded that she died from drowning. It will be found marks on the body that may have come after she has offended against rocks or other objects in the water.

Blood samples are routinely sent to Public Health for analysis.

Police are working with To find out why Veronica drowned and what caused her to go from home without either phone or card. Neither dog was with, something that was not common, according to people TV2 have talked to who knew her well.

See also: Police: The case is completely open

See also: rafters around the house to Veronica Heggheim Stegjerdet

See also: Woman found dead in Sogndal

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