Friday, November 21, 2014

Massive signing up Mortensrud – Aftenposten

Massive signing up Mortensrud – Aftenposten

350 torches had initiator Melita Ringvold and her helpers provided. – If there is enough, I do not know. Many have said that they will, but I have no idea how many people show up, she said in a sparse square an hour before train departure.

But Friday night was at least 500 in the torchlight with her.

The turning point?

– The last time there have been many challenging things Mortensrud. School children have died, the police come because of stabbing …. But Mortensrud is not a cold society, although many are struggling here. We care about each other and our children. We will show in the evening, said Ringvold.

Mother of two will try to do something about the problems in the community instead of moving away from them.

– I hope it will be the start of a popular commitment to do something together. We will do our local, but politicians also need to set up and help, says Ringvold.

She was excited about how many people would come to what she hoped might be the beginning of ent new era for Mortensrud ..

Plot for torches

Forty-five minutes later, she knew that there were many. When all had torches legs to walk on, and many residents went without a torch in people train to the three local schools.

– We are here to show that we care, says both family Askersrud and family Mahmood.

– We must show that we care about each other and that we care about Mortensrud.

They agree that it is appropriate to leave a mark. Yet again a child Mortensrud died a senseless tragic death. This time it was a ten year old who probably starved to death in August last year without anyone intervening.

– One such death is too much. We have had two in a short time, it is not long ago a classmate of Malin was killed by her father. Then we must do something, says Merete Askersrud and lift the torch.

Missing political support

– Yes, we residents of Mortensrud will do our best to create a good living environment. Much good, much can be improved. But we can not do it alone. Politicians must start contributing, says Melita Ringvold.

Like so many others in the flare cut on Mortensrud Torg she has a sense of coming in last row. Always in the last row. Not only in the City Hall where far away in the city center but also in the district. Everyone we talked to, they feel that Mortensrud come in the last row. Always. Kjell Petter Askersrud illustrated what many feel with new artificial turf football runway: – What we got, was scrapped in Ullern where they leave again. We got the old one.

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Moreover, football is a bright spot. Where there is a quote:

– If you do not play football, so there is hardly offer here. And this despite the fact that we are one of the areas in town that have the greatest need for good schools and excellent leisure facilities. Many people here come from the land of war and have a bad starting point. Since many here are poor, it should have been good, free service to youth. We already have future encounter any difficulty, to solve them are great deals crucial. And we have no, says Nazish Mahmood.

She did not know how bad it was until she started high school at Katerdralskolen: – Students from other schools had learned much more than us Mortensrud.

Her father, Iftikhar, sums up the situation in a short sentence: – They build dwellings, but no living environment. The bumping into people here, but they give no offers.


Now, residents Mortensrud have change before more children die. For Askersrud it’s the first place to get a sports hall: – We have a great need, and we have been working on it one year. After the hall we had a converted bomb shelter had to close due to moisture and muggproblmer, we have no hall here. Ungdomsskolen have not even gymnasium. But it is difficult to gain acceptance. Maybe it helps for evening muster.

– I would not say that the tragic death brought with it something good, for it did not, victorious Margi Mahmood. – But maybe it gave us a wake.

With torches in the black November night, the people of Mortensrud also awaken politicians.

See also:

ten year old died probably hunger

Hope to awaken “sleeping” section on violence against children

– Mom, why children die here?

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