Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A wooden feel unsafe in the city on weekends – Aftenposten

A wooden feel unsafe in the city on weekends – Aftenposten

One in three say they feel unsafe in the city on weekends, it will appear in a survey conducted for Health.

At the same answer 21 percent of respondents surveyed said they would go out more often if it was less drunkenness and violence there.

Now re-launched campaign “Clearly influenced.”

– The risk of becoming a victim or perpetrator, increases with ppt. The aim is to increase understanding and support for the grant rules, while seeking to elevate the knowledge of alcohol-related injuries, said Division Director Knut Inge Klepp Directorate of Health.

In the same survey said 86 percent that people who are obviously affected, be denied access to the licensed premises. 8 percent say they have been denied access during the last five years.

A survey conducted for the organization By-and-to show that one out of ten have seen children as unsafe because of adult alcohol use .

– This is a disturbingly high number. We all have a responsibility for the child’s safety comes before the need of parents to drink, says manager Kari Brink.

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