Sunday, November 16, 2014

150 young people waiting for surgery – Aftenposten

150 young people waiting for surgery – Aftenposten

The Clinic Manager Trond K. Haugstvedt at Haukeland University Hospital confirms that young people are on hold because the hospital relate loyal to the politicians who ask them to prioritize breast cancer patients.

André Førsund from Mandal has been operated many times since that baby was transferred to the Haukeland University Hospital. He stood up in Bergensavisen BA earlier this fall.

– I have followed a behandlingsløp at Haukeland I now have been very happy with. I took last surgery at age 18, and was at that time told that the next operation would take place the year I turned 20 years old. The operation he is waiting for the final, and shall correct the nose and a small scar.

Got abandoned

When Førsund not hear anything after he was 20, he called to the hospital .

– The answer I got from the hospital was somewhat unexpected. My surgery had been abandoned in favor of cancer-related issues. But as time passed, I started to get worried.

He has contacted the hospital several times afterwards, but still do not know anything more. He is not alone. 150 young people standing in line for the corresponding operation.

It is the same Plastikkirurgene operating new breast with cancer patients women and lip-palate in children.

Norheim Committee refers to the priority issue between reconstruction of the breast and treatment of cleft lip cleft palate in its report, which was presented Wednesday. The Committee is concerned about the weak groups, which they believe could be worse than the strong groups.

The campaign succeeded

– Breast cancer operated women had in 2012 an extensive campaign, which among other things showed the scars of their outside parliament and received great media coverage. The goal was to have breast reconstruction faster than today, preferably simultaneously with the removal of the breast, enter the selection.

They believe that the struggle was successful in the sense that it was allocated 50 million in the revised national budget for 2012, and it was further allocated 100 million kroner extra effort for breast reconstruction in the state budget for 2013.

The report highlights several professionals that prioritization of breast reconstruction has resulted in longer waiting times for other patient groups, such as children with cleft-palate. They like to have breast reconstruction has received a “motorway into the system,” which no one else has. The experts are pleased that the Breast Cancer has been a good deal, but many point out that they think children with cleft lip and palate should have been given priority over breast reconstruction.

The Clinic Manager Trond K. Haugstvedt at Haukeland University Hospital mean waiting time for older children with lip-palate is too long, and apologize to the youth.

Many operations

Children who are born with cleft-palate-jaw problems undergo five operations during their lifetime.

– We manage the first four interventions by the deadline. But we have congestion problems in respect of the last procedure that is a correction of the nose. It is a question of capacity and priorities. We will prioritize and do what the politicians have decided. We were told to prioritize reconstruction of the breast, and did as the politicians told us about. Thus, the delay for the youngest.

Clinic chief hope in the course of the next two years is back on track and can give youngsters the closing operation in time.

Parts concern

Gabriella Jurisic Ottesen heads for lip-palate association in Norway. She shares clinic chief concern.

– It is important for young people to have completed its behandlingsløp. They look forward to being done with surgeries and treatments. Some young people also say that it is very psychologically bothersome to wait. Someone puts a little time on hold.

– What do you think of these women were given priority over youth?

– We do not want to put groups against each other, but we would like to be involved in discussing the resources against each other. Norwegian health care system should accommodate them all.

100 waiting in Oslo

Also at Oslo University Hospital waiting ca. 100 young people at the closing operation. Department Kim Alexander Tønseth the Department of plastic- and reconstructive surgery, OUS, think it is other than the priority of reconstruction of the breast that is the cause.

– When it was allocated more money to handle brystrekonstruksjoner this as isolated extra capacity. It was not made at the expense of some other diagnostic groups in relation to the activity already had. However, it is appropriate to question whether it was appropriate to provide earmarked funding to only brystrekonstruksjoner, as there are many other diagnostic groups in the field as well so feel should be prioritized in relation to the medical professional assessment / urgency, says Tønseth.

Health Policy Advocate for the Center, Kjersti Tops has taken up the issue in Parliament.

– I think it is totally unfair that the priority is such consequences. It shows that Parliament did not know enough, or would not know what consequences the decision made. It also shows that it is not just money that is a factor, but that access to specialists is often where the offer counters. This experience should lead to the parliament does a better job next time, before such a boost for some groups granted, says top.

Kari Kjønaas Kjos (FRP) is the leader in health and care committee. She believes that the main problem was that the hospitals under red-green board was under funded, had a cap on how many they were allowed to manage, and they were opposed to using private.

– Then there arose a growing number of sykehuskø and some groups of patients waiting for years. Then, when you lifted up a group, it was automatic that someone else was lagging behind. Therefore align H / FRP government this differently. We have arranged for a higher growth in patient care in our first two budgets, compared to what the coalition had passed through its eight years. Furthermore, we remove the ceiling on the number of patients in public hospitals to treat and allows increased use of private. This then provides the opportunity for the reconstruction of the breast and operations of lip-palate.

– To ask the hospitals use private plastic surgeons to provide these youth treatment?

– It would be quite so unserious about a white politician would go so into detail to control hospitals. Which patients they send to the private matter of both its own capacity and skills, and the capacity and expertise of the private. Our job is to provide the framework for achieving what we want. Therefore, we have increased the budget and the amended regulations. So, hospitals use the new tools they have got to make sure the patients they have said Kjos.

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