Friday, August 1, 2014

Frp will kjempe to gays should have give blood –

Frp will kjempe to gays should have give blood –

says Kari Kjønås Kjos, leader in the health and social committee in Parliament, told ABC News.

– Health fraction will take this matter up with the Minister of Health to fall on one of our regular meetings with him, says Kjos.

Earlier this year, the party’s national convention adopted a resolution in which it requested the parliamentary group to facilitate that gays should be able to give blood. The congress concluded that current practices are discriminatory.

It was the Progress Party Youth who promoted the resolution proposal for congress. They have argued for gays blood donors since 2012.

First deputy chairman of the youth party, bear-Kristian Svendsrud, believes the regulations are outdated.

– The ban on gays blood donors was introduced because of fear of HIV infection in the blood. Now, technology has come so far that any infection in the blood detected much faster, he said.

of Health state that they have no plans to change the rules on their own initiative. Department Marit Endresen says that people become infected with HIV among gays is still high. 98 gays men contracted the virus in 2013.

current regulations are men who have had sex with other men banned as blood donors for life. (© NTB)


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